Chapter 10.5: Fighting in the Dark Pt 2

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Chapter 10.5: Fighting in the Dark Pt 2
Bree's POV

I felt insanely bad about what I said. Can you blame someone who likes to fight in the light? I sent Delaynee a CapChat hoping she'd be okay. No response. I could hear they guys get back into their capsules. Chase had sent me a CapChat. First one he had ever sent me.

Chase: i hate this!! Adam burned some of my training gi with his heat vision!

I laughed at that! Chase may be the smartest guy in the world, but Adam always finished 1st in combat.

"Ready Bree and Delaynee??" Leo said over interComm.

Both of out capsules unlocked and we both went out. The glasses were set to thermal vision. I switched the dial on the side to Night Vision. I could see Delaynee almost clearly coming out of her capsule. We both looked at each other. I didn't want to attack, but she did. She came up to me and tasered me. I felt like a painful tickle.

The moment she stepped back I sent my new ability ( what Davenport and Chase like to call "Bree-Force Winds) and it sent Delaynee stumbling back a few feet. I super sped to her, but then she was gone. Geo Leaping! She was right behind me where she shocked me again. It hurt sooo bad! I immediately turned around and swept her leg and she fell down. I used my " Bree- Force Wind" again and she slid to the elevator.

"Okay ladie, split up!!!" Leo said.

Where was he?
Delaynee and I went back to our capsules. I didn't know what to say. She had bested me. Delaynee then sent me a CapChat

Delaynee: That was so cool!! U did AMAZING!!

That CapChat made me feel better... until Leo's CapVid came through. It showed him and Davenport somewhere in the house with a dark screen behind them.

"Imagine... Big D and I are kidnapped. Your opponents... are each other. FIND US!!" Leo said and then the image went blank

We all stepped out of our capsule with the lights finally on. I could see the scorch marks from Adam's heat vision.

"Let's do teams! Delaynee and I verses Chase and Adam!! Byee!" I said and then super sped with Delaynee to the kitchen.

"What the... you go really fast!!" Delaynee said.

"Okay! I need you to read Chase's mind! He can locate Davenport." I said.

"I need to see him!!" Delaynee said.

"Can you do it long distance?" I said hopefully

Just then Adam and Chase came up the elevator. Delaynee quickly stared at him to get a read. They both had blank faces.

"He's resisting. He used his super smarts to find a exit pathway." Delaynee said.

"Try harder." I said.

"GOT IT!!! LE' GO!" She said and she transported me.

Chase's POV (same chapter)

We got upstairs through the elevator and there was Bree and Delaynee! She was trying to read the location of Davenport. I could tell by her blank face.

She must have found his location because they teleported out.

"What are we going to do!" I said.

"Let's just try to get to the mall before they do!" Adam said

"They are probably already there!!!" I said.

Adam and I quickly ran to Davenport 500mph car and fired it up.

We arrived at the mall in 10 seconds and ran inside. We went to the food court. Were were too late...


Adam's POV (same chapter)

When we got to the mall, I felt like I was going to throw up. Going 500mph isn't easy on the tummy.

Chase and I walked up to Davenport at the food court.

"So the strongest man and the smartest man couldn't beat two girls... HAHA!" Leo said.

" They both had a distinct advantage. Once they got the info they could go right there!" Chase said

"They still won..." Davenport said.

"Hold on, I think I am going to barf!!" I said.

"Not on my smoothie!" Bree said.

I ran to the nearest trash can, but nothing happened. I felt somewhat dizzy still so I sat down.

"So this is a mall?" Delaynee asked.

"Yeah! I am shocked that you seem almost normal. It's like you've been a regular human." Bree said.

"Well I was allowed to read, watch some TV and learn some school. Bree ha in frullato di banana ( Bree has a banana smoothie)" Delaynee said.

What the heck was she saying. I though I had English somewhat down. NOW THIS!!

"Nice Italian! What else do you know?" Chase asked.

Oh gosh! Another smart kid. Hope she doesn't have the ego that goes with it!

" Adam hail cervello dello dimenioni di una noceiolina. (Adam has the brain the size of a peanut)" Delaynee continued.

"Nice! I think I'm going to like you!" Chase said.

"Thanks?" Delaynee said.

After the training session we went home to the lab and got our bionics turned up again. It felt so good to be able to throw Chase more than 5 feet again :)

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