day dreamer

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(if your wondering what my favorite song is^^^^^^^^)


josh dun is a jock.

he has dyed blue hair, a black leather jacket, and a smile that takes every girls heart. he has a girlfriend, of course, who is one of the prettiest girls in the grade, people say. he has many friends, average grades, and a big secret.

tyler joseph is a nerd.

he has dark brown hair, a bow tie with a nice button up shirt, and glasses that ever so slightly fall down his nose. he has above a 95 in all of his classes. he barely has friends, probably about one or two in his study group, and is crushing on one particular boy. that boy, just happens to be josh dun himself.

tyler fantasizes about many many things that have to do with josh. some of it, his face blushes and he would think to himself how cute it would be. and most of it, his mom would definitely not approve of.






"Tyler! what is it with you and day dreaming these days? you need to start listening before you fail the class! you barely have notes! unbelievable!" the teacher called frustrated, this was the second time today and Tyler was red-faced embarrassed. he basically couldn't control his dick. and because of it, he wanted to become completely invisible. of course this was the only class josh was in. and it was the most he got in trouble.

"i-im sorry. it won't happen again" he said sheepishly. his childlike voice barely making it to the teachers ears. she rolled her eyes and turned back to the board.

"anyways-" the teacher started writing something Tyler could probably get from the textbook that night, so once again he began to think.

but before he could do anything, the ear piercing sound of the bell ringing signaled class was over, and tyler could finally leave this hell of a classroom. he turned around lazily to get his bag from behind his chair when suddenly, the one and only josh dun caught him off guard. he sat about two desks diagonally behind him, biting his lip.

but this wasn't any lip bite, oh no, it sure wasn't. it also came with eyes that happened to be looking up and down tylers frail body, and a smirk that arose above his chin. he was checking him out. tylers heard of this sort of thing in middle school. where guys look at girls because they think they're hot.

but not - the other way.

tyler felt his heart beat when they made eye contact for a solid .01 seconds. was he actually checking him out? or was he joking? whatever it was tyler needed to get out of that classroom now before he embarrassed himself any further.

he grabbed his bag and started on his way out the door. once in the hallway, he felt something hit his shoulder harshly. he looked up trying to see who it was this time who wanted to knock the binders out of his hands. "hey sorry, my bad" said a blue haired boy about the height of tyler. tyler had to keep in an internal scream of how god damn hot he looked.

"i-it's ok i- oh" he let out a sound of surprise when he felt a quick hand slip into his back pocket and dart its way out. tyler stood there, dumbfounded, josh was about six feet away from him by now, but he was 90% sure he just touched his clothed ass.

he couldn't help but drop his jaw when he felt a piece of paper in that same pocket just moments after they shared their first words together.
meet me in the men's locker room at 3:00 after school


if tyler hadn't been freaking out earlier, he sure as hell was now. he's liked josh for god knows how long, what will happen? was the note even from him? surely he won't do anything bad, he has a girlfriend. he's not even gay. tyler thinks.

meanwhile josh was smirking to himself in the hallway while holding onto his girlfriends hand. he finally has his chance with tyler, and he knows what he will do.




I need to update more gdam

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