prom. 2

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"aaand here we are"

the smaller boys eyes blinked as he readjusted his vision, a slight gasp leaving his chapped lips. it was one of the prettiest views the boy had ever seen. the brightly illuminated streets seemed like ants from where they sat overlooking the beautiful view. josh smiled calmly while looking at tylers widened eyes.

"woah josh this is so pretty i-"

"pretty view for a pretty boy"

the small boy turned his focus towards joshs flirtatious attempts and smirked slightly. his hand soon found the door handle and abruptly opened the door with a push.

"oh wait!"

tyler heard josh call from inside the car while he closed the door accidentally. josh snickered and stepped outside of the car facing the smaller boy across him.

"i have blankets"

josh scrambled towards the back door of the car while gathering large blankets in his arms. tyler giggled while he then laid them across the hood of his car lightly. tyler then took the opportunity to take off his suit jacket and roll up his white buttoned up sleeves. along with removing his bow tie that may or may not have been choking him the entire night.

tyler began to question the older boy, "did you plan this all out or something?"

josh shrugged, "nah, i always have blankets in my car"

josh grinned as he flattened out the many blankets on the hood of his car. soon after, josh beckoned to the other boy to lay on the hood that he had previously been sitting on. and within minutes, tyler was lying surprisingly comfortably on the car, his back pressed against the windshield.
the small boy felt himself smile at the view that lay before him, peace entering his senses. and to him, it seemed as if josh had been doing the same.

"oh god damn it" the small boy suddenly flinched causing josh to laugh lazily.

"what happened?"

"i just realized how many times you've probably fucked debby on this blanket"

josh let out a snort while he began laughing immensely, "dude i didn't i swear"

"you didn't fuck her or you didn't fuck her on here?" tyler teased,


the two boys bursted out laughing, bliss happily escaping their throats. a few light punches were shared here and there between the boys. while josh almost suffocated tyler by suddenly wrapping the puffed blanket around his small frame while he kicked towards josh.

"let me go you ass" tyler said struggling against the mixed force of the tangled blanket and joshs grip.


the small boy kicked once more yet realized it was no use fighting against him. tyler soon let his limbs relax showing sad defeat while a sigh escaped his lips. josh laughed lightly at the smaller boys poutiness.

suddenly josh jumped, "oh i almost forgot," yet he cringed on the inside when he realized that he would have to lose his slight grip on the warm boys hips that sat in front of him. "hang on, s-sorry"

within a few minutes, however, josh returned next to a wrapped up tyler with an object in his palm that the younger boy couldn't quite make out.

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