bonjour ~ deux

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your comments motivate me to write more ngl

also do you want something ???? like fluff??? or smut???? or part 2/3 to anything????


it's been a week since tyler traveled to josh's home, and he was having the time of his life. since it was summer, both boys were beyond excited to explore ohio. josh remembered how happy tyler was when they entered the carnival earlier that week. all of the flashing lights and slightly loud music made tyler feel like a little kid again.

and josh still couldn't stop staring at this boy.

his face was illuminated by the bright signs and food advertisements, josh had never seen something so pretty. tyler had been beaming all night, pointing to every ride and childishly running to different attractions. joshs favorite part though, is when tyler found the cotton candy stand.

"joshua! look!" tyler pointed, bouncing slightly. josh looked to where tyler was pointing and made a confused face, "have you never eaten cotton candy?" josh asked playfully. tyler shook his head excitedly and rushed towards the stand, making it hard for josh to keep up.

"what color do you want ty?"


josh laughed at the bright boy and bought themselves both some pink cotton candy to share. after finding a bench to sit down on tyler faced josh and picked a piece of the candy off. tyler began staring at the fluffy substance, eyeing every last spot.

"just eat it tyler"

tyler looked up at josh with a slight fear in his eyes. he opened his mouth hesitantly, "i-is this a cloud?"

josh laughed, "no tyler it's not a cloud, it's candy remember?"

the boy giggled and stared back down at the candy. reluctantly he brought the treat towards his mouth and bit off a piece.

tylers eyes grew wide.

"wh-where did it go?!"

"its supposed to do that tyler"

"but it is not here anymore! i eat it and then it is gone!" tyler stared carefully at the cotton candy again, now slightly more fearful.

josh began to laugh at the smaller boys freak out.

"it is like sugar and then poof! it is gone!"

he laughed even harder this time, "t-tyler that's what cotton candy does"

tyler, still dangerously confused, looked at josh for help. josh sighed, "here, look." josh took a gaint handful of cotton candy and shoved it in his mouth and waited for it to dissolve. in a matter of seconds josh opened his mouth wide to show that it was empty, leaving tyler totally mesmerized.

"i will never understand your american sweets"

so here josh was, tiredly watching finding nemo with his new best friend. tyler was snuggled up against him, his head resting on joshs chest. josh was tracing circles on tylers forearm while tyler lazily made comments about dori.

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