chasing cars

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i didn't proof read this woop


and if i believe you

will that make it stop?

if i told you i need you

is that what you want?

tylers mind drifted into simplicity as the words from his favorite song were being melodically played through his toyota branded speakers. sure it wasn't top of the line, but it had an aux chord, and that's all that tyler really wanted in a car. he mindlessly tapped his callused fingertips to the slow beat on the leathered steering wheel that was displayed in front of him.


the deserted streets of ohio were oddly grim on such a beautiful spring night, yet tyler couldn't be filled with more serenity. this was his favorite thing to do on a friday night. most people would usually party or stupidly drink with friends, yet he would drive alone and reflect on the stressful school week that had previously been conquered.

usually he would rock out to the beach boys or some overrated boy band that was made on his friends spotify playlist, but this time he made his own playlist that he added to throughout the week. soon labeling it friday night xx.

"and i'm asking you jeeeesssuuuus!

show yourse-!"

tylers singing abruptly came to an end as the loud twang of the marimba ringtone chorused through his speakers. rolling his slightly glossed eyes, he wondered who the hell would be calling him this late. without looking at the contact name, the boy lazily picked up the urgent call.

"ya" tyler grumbled,

"im s-sorr-y i c-call-ed i just-" a sobbing voice echoed towards tyler.

yet within an instant tyler had been pulled over under some streetlamp, his heart beating quickly and his palms sweating, his full attention towards the person on the other line.

"josh? speak to me. are you okay?"

all that had transferred to tylers eardrum was a choked sob from the opposite line, causing his instincts to go into autopilot.

"give me five minutes i'll be right there. please don't do anything stupid"

and with that josh had hung up. leaving tyler to go 80 miles per hour in a 30 mile per hour speed limit towards the sobbing boys house.

as soon as tyler had turned onto joshs street, he immediately asked siri to tell josh he was at his house. this way the saddened boy would be ready at his doorstep for tylers embrace.

and that's exactly what happened.

"i'm s-sorry i just ne - needed someone" josh cried onto tylers shoulder while serveral harsh intakes of oxygen sparatically stung his throat.

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