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this one is long so sit back n relax


"i can't believe you made me drive over two hours just so you could get pancakes"

josh mumbled as one hand surrounded the steering wheel. to his right was a very happy tyler, in which decided to lift his feet up to the dashboard in success. tylers mind then slowly flashed back to the moment he texted his newly loved boyfriend the very words of,

tyler💖: let's get pancakes.

in which then he then knew josh couldn't say no to anything tyler asked, plus he loved being with his boyfriend any time he could. in a matter of ten minutes josh would be arriving outside tylers door honking his horn tiredly, wondering why he decided to agree to getting breakfast at 9pm.

"you didn't have to pick me up you know" tyler said menacingly,

"if i didn't pick you up then you wouldn't talk to me for a week"

the smaller boy opened his mouth to speak, but closed it in realization that he would actually have done just that.

josh then laughed to himself, a snarky grin pushing up his cheeks as he neared a stoplight. the opposite boys face looked up from his fingers and faced josh directly, suspicious as to why he was laughing suddenly.

the giggling boy faced tyler innocently,

"what's so funny?" the brunette asked as josh slowed to a stop.


tyler raised his eyebrows, "josh-"

"you're just - you so remind me of a girl on her period right now"


"tyler it's almost ten at night and we're going to fucking ihop"

"stop complaining it's pancakes josh, you like pancakes" tyler reached his hand to touch his boyfriends face. however josh acted as if it never even touched his cheek in the first place.

"not when i'm supposed to be asleep"

tyler let out a slightly frustrated huff of air, his hand angrily leaving josh's cheek.

"joshua. listen to me, are you listening?"

"yes tyler i am listening"

"good. now. if we don't get fucking chocolate chip pancakes this instant i will tuck and roll my ass out of this moving vehicle"

"i'm not paying the hospital bill if you do" josh said as he lay his foot on the gas once the light turned green.

"wow you want to see me die? real nice joshua"

"okay now you know i don't want you to di-"

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