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"josh i'm tired" tyler half whispered while a sniff echoed through his small nose.

the curly haired boy giggled, "but it's 3am ty. you know what they say about falling asleep at three-

"fuck the time i already want to die i can sleep whenever i want thank you very much"

tyler groaned into his pillow, his chin resting on the up side while his computer dully plastered joshs giggling pixelated face on the skype call in front of him.

"you really are something tyler"

the younger boy scoffed, "yeah and that something is very tired and annoyed with having to keep up with your dad jokes for more than two hours"

joshs mouth dropped open with fake hurt towards the insulting comment,


he breathed over-dramatically.

"i'm going to bed"

"say you love me first damn it" josh half yelled before realizing that his brother might hear from across the hall.

tyler gasped, "i love you my best friend in the entire world!"

"ew fucking gay"

tyler scoffed and turned so his slightly blushed cheek was placed on the fluffed pillow beneath his head and shut his eyes. it wasn't rare that the two boys would have skype sleep overs whenever they weren't allowed to hang out over the weekend. sure it was totally different than the other being next to them in person, but it was all they could do at the time.

josh decided to stay up some more. no, not to watch tyler sleep. but he just wasn't feeling sleep at the moment. and maybe for another two hours. so he decided on scrolling about different social media feeds and tagging tyler on certain funny posts he thought he would like.

however, the calming mood soon ended when josh heard tyler shift slowly in his sleep.

"can't sleep?"

josh asked, not realizing how long he hadn't talked for, causing his voice to sound irritable and groggy.

with no answer, the boy smiled lightly and decided it was either his imagination, or tyler just messing with him. since they've had enough sleep overs together that he knew tyler doesn't move at all in his sleep. he darted his chocolate eyes back towards his low battery warned phone and looked at the time in which brightly scolded joshs eyes.

5:03 am

josh groaned realizing that he's going to sleep in until twelve the following day, something that was both a blessing and a curse.


"yeah ty? go back to sleep i was just about to sleep too"

the boy cooed, wondering why tyler woke up again, maybe josh should just hang up? however he quickly shook away the idea since he knew tyler didn't want to be woken up to an ended skype call.

no answer again?

"okay you can stop giving me the silent treatment now i'll go to bed if that's what you want."


immediately josh began choking on his own spit and dropped his phone in utter disbelief of what he just heard.

"tyler? did you just?"

the recently somewhat tired boy broke out in a fit of hysterics. immediately laughing so hard his abdomen hurt and his lungs couldn't suck up oxygen anymore.

but tyler did it again.


"tyler what the fuck are you doing" josh said in between laughter, trying his best not to make his thoughts about his maybe somewhat good looking friend go straight to his dick.

"oh fuck"

tyler breathed

or - moaned?

"tyler stop ohmygod"

however, it wasn't long until joshs laughing dulled to a minimum when he realized that tyler was in fact, dead asleep.

the curly haired boys eyes shifted towards tylers closest hand to the camera, which seemed to be grasping his fluffed comforter slowly with his tensed fingers. with hesitation, josh made sure his headphones were plugged in and the hallway light was off, not to mention any audible footsteps outside his door were heard.

it wasn't long until josh had his volume turned up all the way and small shallow whimpers were heard from the opposite boy on the skype call. he swallowed thickly and let out a deep breath that he didn't know he was holding until now.

without warning, a specifically maybe somewhat louder than usual kind of really sexual groan crawled up tylers vocal chords, leaving josh to slightly shift his legs. he didn't even realize his eyes had closed.

he never does this

"josh, fuck"


immediately josh threw a cupped hand over his mouth, he did not mean to do that. his heart suddenly raced sporadically while he felt a yearning to slide his hands down towards his lower abdomen. but he didn't.

you're such a fucking creep josh
go to bed and stop watching him

"um t-tyler? are you awake?"

the question seemed useless however when he was only answered with uneven and shaky breathes.

"o-okay well i'm gonna um, im gonna go. i'll explain this to you in the morning and probably make up some dumb fake excuse as to why i hung up on you"

he just fucking moaned again.

josh cursed lightly under his breath, realizing that how absolutely fucked he was since he had been turned on by this incident.

"okay well um -"


"- good-goodnight"

end skype call?



this was just a really funny kind of cute idea/concept i had woop no plot whatsoever my bad!!!1!!2!2!1!!1


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