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working on varsity soccer 3 coming soon (:

but for now have this ive been thinking of this all day oop

keep in mind tyler sleeps shirtless in this!! o. o o o. o o o o o o o


tyler was sound asleep. it was a once in a lifetime miracle that he actually had his eyes closed for more than five minutes. he was sleeping in a queen bed next to his bandmate of two years, josh.

they had just gotten enough money to get a hotel for themselves, it's been a while since they've been able to sleep in a proper bed. the only thing that they would get any sleep in would be the bed in their van, and that was extremely uncomfortable for various reasons. one being that they both had to share a twin bed and well - you get it.

josh and tyler came out to eachother exactly three months ago, and it's been lowkey flirting ever since. it's one of their fondest memories,


"tyler? c-can i tell you something? it's kind of important" josh called from the back of the van. tyler had been sleeping in the front seat since he felt he was annoying josh from squirming around from uncomfortability.

"i-yeah. are you okay?" tyler turned around to a cross legged josh, nervously playing with his fingers, "yeah i'm fine just - come here"

tyler climbed over the seat and sat in front of josh copying his actions, a million worried thoughts going through his head.

"i-i don't know how to say this, so i'm just gonna say it"

tyler nodded while joshs slightly uneven breath echoed throughout the silent space.

"i'm bi"

"what?" tylers eyes lit up with joy,

"yeah i understand if you don't want to be in a band anymore or some-"

"so am i!"



so here tyler slept, mindlessly brushing his head on the side of his satin pillow. he had dreams of his mom, his brothers, and his old friends back home. he wished that they had faith in him and josh, just you wait, i'll show you, tyler would think.

he also had dreams of josh.

he had dreams of them being together. so many different types of dreams. dreams where they would be cuddling and laughing at stupid jokes or tyler would be playing mariokart on joshs lap, he liked that reoccurring one. including the ones where he just wanted josh to pin his wrists atop his head and they would be making out heatedly - those kind of dreams happened the most.

but right now, he was having a dream of - his dog?

plot twist: tyler didn't have a dog.

therefor his eyes began to slowly flutter open with annoyance and confusion, his dreams getting weirder by the minute. his warm fingers wanting to rub his eyes, yet an arm was in their way.

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