There is a foul plot afoot

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Rae's POV

The loss of my baby burns me up inside, but I push it down for now. I have to go figure out what this asshat is up to. Gage has said very little since we left the hospital and I am grateful, I have never been one to talk about my feelings with anyone and I don't intend to start now. I love Gage but if he loves me like he says he does, he will have to live with my issues.  The jail cells are a depressing place, a place I have visited far too often. What do you expect though, bright cheery colors and peace gardens? No, this place is designed to hold nasty supers who get too big for their britches.

Tony stops outside of a sealed cell, "He is in here, we will post a guard outside, should you need him." He bows to me and I nod, "Thank you, Tony." I look at Gage and grin, "Ready to have some fun?" He quirks an eyebrow at me and nods. Tony opens the cell and I walk in with Gage behind me. As the cell door closes, violet eyes meet mine. "What is your name?" I ask, coldly. His eyes widen, "You are dead, I shot you right in the heart!" I laugh, "Sir, I don't have a heart, now what is your name and your purpose?" His face falls and a tear leaks from his eyes, "My name is Raylyn, and I had to kill you, they have my wife and daughter. I swear it. They told me if you didn't die, they would kill them." I look into him for lies, but he is telling the truth. "Who has them? Who told you to kill me?" I demand softly. He shakes his head. "Listen to me, Raylyn, I can help you, but you have to tell me everything." His eyes meet mine again and he sighs. "There is a Fae named Lucas, he calls himself the King, even though he isn't even an ancient. He says that all Fae must bow to him and he was pretty pissed when you took over. He feels that you should die and he should rule. He is very powerful and has a team of supers that work for him. They are much like the High Council, except they are all evil but follow Lucas like a puppy. He stole my family when he heard that I was a trained assassin working for the Fae council and said that I needed to kill you or my family would die." I look at Gage who looks shocked and angry. "Listen, Raylyn, I need you to tell me everything you know about this Lucas person and work with me to take him down and get your family back." He nods quickly. Gage grabs my arm, "Rae, how can we trust him? He did just try to kill you and he did kill our baby!" he growls. Raylyn looks back forth between Gage and me, shocked. Tears begin to fall from his eyes, "I cannot express how sorry I am, I had no idea, please, let me help you. Then you can kill me. I just need to know that my family is safe." I place a hand on his shoulder, "I do not blame you, I would have done the same for my family. I am devastated by the loss of my child, but I could not imagine burying a lover and a child. Don't worry, we will get through this." He nods and Gage gives me a strange look. "We will be back later, don't go anywhere." I smile at Raylyn and he laughs.

Gage and I head up to the meeting room to tell the others what we have learned and work on a plan. Halfway there, Gage speaks, "How are you so calm? The man that killed our child was right in front of you." I stopped and looked at Gage, "Tell me, what would you have done in his place? Let them kill me and our child, or kill a complete stranger? He didn't know I was pregnant. What's done is done and we cannot change it, we must move forward. By putting an end to Lucas and his council and making an example of them, we can make sure that things like this don't happen again. I do feel the loss of our baby, there is a hole inside of me now, but I can't let my feelings change what I have to do. I know that you are angry, so am I but we need to focus that anger on the right person." He pulls me into his arms, "And you thought you would totally suck at this queen thing. I love you, Rae. I trust you and your judgement." Then he kisses me. He starts to deepen the kiss, but someone starts yelling. "Oh my eyes, my sweet, virgin eyes!" We turn and see Tank rolling on the floor holding his face. Gage laughs and I run over and jump on him. "Virgin, my ass! You are no more a virgin than I am." Then I tickle him and he roars with laughter. I finally stop after he begs enough and Gage helps me up. I am too sore still for this.

We all finish our journey to the meeting room, where everyone has gathered again. After telling them what we have learned, Lynn speaks. "I have met Lucas before, he is a trouble maker. He is about two hundred and thinks he knows everything. He must have had help building this council. I will use my sources and find out what I can. What are your plans for Raylyn? " I sigh, "I don't know. It really isn't his fault but if we let him go, then it shows that we are weak and open to attacks against anyone with a sob story. I need time to think on this, maybe one of us will come up with a good solution. I know he doesn't deserve death." Everyone nods and we are all deep in thought about our current problem. The silence is broken by Peter. "Rae, how are you doing? Being shot in the heart, losing your baby? All this must weigh heavy on you." He looks genuinely concerned. All eyes are on me, "I am sore, for one. I haven't had time to fully heal, yet. As far as the lose of the baby, I am sad, hurt, and feel guilty and angry. I cannot bring myself to point any of that anger towards Raylyn, but Lucas, he will pay." I meet Octavius's eyes and see pain. He feels the loss almost as much as me. He offers me a sad smile that I return. We all agree to take a break and think about our plan.

As Gage and I reach our room, I feel the full weight of exhaustion on my shoulders. Gage helps me climb into bed and I am out like a light. I know that I am dreaming, but I have no clue where the hell I am. I am surrounded by light, it is warm, but bright and I can't see anything but the light. "Rae Ann, I have to tell you something." a deep voice rumbles though me. Whoa, what was that? "You have been tasked with looking after all my children and I am proud of you. You have always done your best to do the right thing no matter how difficult it was or what the personal cost. I have given you a gift, I know that you will treasure it. Good luck, Rae Ann, and remember I am always here for you because I love you."

I sit straight up in bed and look around the room, It's empty. I look at the clock, whoa, I have been out for almost twenty four hours. I stretch, feeling completely better. I grab clothes and head in for a shower. I take off my shirt and look in the mirror, it's completely gone, not even a mark, cool! As I am in the nice, hot shower , I think about my dream. I need to talk to one of the Angels, they are good at this stuff. I start to get dresses, but when I go to button my jeans, they are a bit tighter than usual. Strange. They are too uncomfortable so I throw on a long green sweater, black leggings and a pair of black heeled boots, braid my hair , a touch of make up and I am out the door. 

Three doors down on the left is Uriel's room. I knock and not a second later he answers, grinning. "What can I do for you, Rae?" I return his smile, "I need to ask you about a dream I had, if you have a minute." He steps back to let me in. "I always have time for you, you are my favorite person." He winks at me and I smile shaking my head. I tell him about my dream and his eyes widen. "Rae, that was The Father, he spoke to you directly. That is very rare for someone who isn't an Angel." I grin," I have Angel DNA, though" He smiles, "Not what I mean. He usually only speaks to us but it does happen on occasion. What gift did he give you?" I shrug, "No clue. I don't feel and different. I was fully healed, but I slept for a whole day, so that's not new." Uriel looks at me, "Let me take a look, ok?" He asks and I nod. He stares in to my eyes, and I look back, keeping myself completely open to him. He jerks back and laughs. I narrow my eyes at him, "What? What did you see?" He hugs me, "He saved your baby, Rae. The baby wasn't all the way gone. He save the baby." I am crying, my baby. Uriel lets go of me and I drop to my knees, "Thank you, God. Thank you." I sob and he kneels beside me and wraps me in his arms, "It wasn't time for your baby to die, Rae. I didn't have them on my list." He places a soft kiss on my temple and rubs my back.

After I leave Uriel, I return to my room to freshen up, The Queen doesn't cry. I Make my way to the kitchen and see the team there. They are all laughing and talking, they haven't noticed me yet, so I just watch them. They are my family, I place a hand on my stomach, baby you are so screwed.

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