Well, shit

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Gage's POV

After leaving Rae to her sleep, I took off to find out what I could about this stupid Fae and his council. The team was downstairs in the kitchen so I decided to see what they thought. "Hey, guys. How's going?" I ask as I enter the kitchen. I get a round of "Heys". "What do you all think about this how Fae king bullshit? I don't like that is is trying to kill Rae, but I guess we knew that some one would try this. It bothers me that he has his own team of supers, though. I mean who knows what kinds of damage a witch could do. I don't know what powers Rae is immune to, but I know we aren't." I sigh looking each one in the eyes. Xavier speaks first, "Rae is ok, don't worry about that. She is far tougher than she looks. What I am worried about is her mental health at this point. Losing a baby is always hard. Especially for her, she grew up with the idea that love and family were something she could never have. Now, she has both and half of that was just brutally snatched from her. However, let me guess, she has already forgiven the half Fae, and has all but declared war on the "King". Am I right?" I laugh and nod. "You should have seen her when she first woke up, she was calm, it was scary." I shudder causing them all to laugh. 

"What is so funny?" Rae asks as she breezes into the room. She looks different, like she is truly happy and at peace. It is a strange sight after losing our baby so soon. "Good morning my love. It is good to see you so happy." I kiss her lightly and she laughs. "Why wouldn't I be happy? I have you, my family, and our baby." She says pointing to the team when she says family. Then it hits me, "Baby? But Doc said you had lost it? I don't understand." She smiles at my confusion and the team sits up straighter and leans in, they want to know as badly as I do, just what in the hell is going on here. Just then Uriel walks in and smiles at Rae. "You told them?" She nods and everyone grumbles. 

Uriel laughs, "You told them just enough to get their attention, then stopped, didn't you?" Rae puts on her best innocent face, but no one here buys that crap. I stand up and go to her. "Rae, tell us what is going on here." She smiles and launches into the story about her dream and talking to Uriel. I pick her up and hug her, tears flowing down my cheeks. Words cannot describe the joy I feel right now. Then a thought hits me as place her back on her feet. "What happens now? You can't fight, I don't want the baby to be at risk." Rae quirks an eyebrow at me, "First, I have to fight, they need to know that they can't get rid of me that easily. Second, I have put some protection on the baby, so no one can hurt it. I know you are scared, but I cannot back down." Uriel clears his throat, "God saved her baby for a reason, he will not allow her to simply lose it again. All of this is part of his plan. Have faith in Him and Rae." I sigh, this woman is going to be the death of me. 

Over the past week, we have been in meeting constantly. Lynn has come up lots of useful info on Lucas and we have been planning our attack. As far as the media knows, Rae was attacked but no one has told them by whom and all they know was Rae is in critical condition, for the safety of Raylyn's family. Finally, we have a solid plan of attack and we will strike in the morning. Apparently, Lucas is located in the forests of Colorado. We are flying out tonight and will attack in the morning. We have two teams, one is to take down Lucas and his council and one is to rescue Raylyn's family. Rae is obviously on the team that will take down Lucas. Her plan is to finish this, get married and then announce the pregnancy. I am good with that. 

We are all on the plane, Rae is sleeping with her head on my shoulder, when Smoke sits next to me. "How are you holding up?" He asks me. I smile at my best friend. "I'm nervous for her and the baby. I don't think either one of could handle it if something caused her to lose it again." He nods, "That I can understand.However you know Rae won't let someone else fight her battles. She strong and will protect those she loves and we are lucky enough to be in that circle. I feel like I wasn't really living before I met her. She is like the sister that I never had and if it wasn't for her I would have never met Alex. She has done more for me than I can ever repay. Not that she would let me anyways." I laugh softly at my friend. "You are right about that. She has brought us all closer and I love her even more for it. I cannot wait to marry her and have lots of babies with her. Hey, are you and Alex thinking about babies?" He looks at me like I have grown an extra head. "Look here, big guy, Alex and I are just getting started, don't you go throwing the baby thing around at me. I don't know that I am ready to be a father yet." I can't help the laughter that rumbles out and I here Rae laugh too. "You are such a chicken, Smoke. No one is ever ready to be a parent, it just happens." She laughs out, watching Smoke turn pale. After joking around with the team, we land and set up our camp. Tomorrow, shit gets real.

 The sun is coming up and we are all in our positions. This is it. We will take down Lucas and his council, bring them back to the HC HQ and hold a very public trial. This is to discourage anyone from trying this again. The signal is given and we move in. The fight is short but brutal and soon we are in Lucas's stronghold. We are blocking Rae from sight when Lucas and his council walk in. "What is the meaning of this? Do you know who I am? I am the KING!" Lucas shouts. Rae laughs and we part for her to walk up to Lucas. "You are no king, Lucas. You are just some Fae who thinks he is better than everyone else. I am the Queen and you and your band of merry men are under arrest for treason." His eyes narrow, "I knew it, I will kill him after I slaughter his family before his eyes. But first, you and your team must die!" He charges Rae but she easily blocks his every move. Finally he gets fed up and orders his council to attack her.We try to help, but his witch places a freezing spell on us and we are all helpless. All we can do is watch as Rae takes on a vamp, a dragon, a witch, a fae, a demon, and Lucas.  

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