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chapter one — beginnings
"If you are lucky enough to find a weirdo, never let them go." — Matthew Gray Gubler


EDITED: December 1st, 2020
a/n: just an fyi, i wrote this when i was like thirteen or fourteen. it's awful, i know, i plan on editing it but i haven't had much time for it, so don't comment how cliche or dramatic it is pls!! just leave now if u want a masterpiece LOL.


      MY BLACK two inch high heels made a click, clack sound as I reached for the glass door with a silver handle on it, which made a soft ringing noise in the background as I walked my way in, quite nervously. The whole building was huge, which seemed to only frighten me more, and my big city life was not miraculously well adjusted to the quietness of Quantico, Virginia.

      I glanced down at where my hands were tugging on my black pencil skirt—feeling as if it could possibly be too short. Dark blue sleeves covered my arms until my wrists, with a silver charm bracelet on my left hand, and then my heels. I was praying internally that the dark colours don't make my already pale complexion look like a ghost. My fawn brown hair is in a fishtail braid that reaches long past my shoulders. I only have a touch of make-up, a swig of lipgloss and some mascara with eye-liner, which contrast nicely with my dark green eyes.

      I took a quick gaze around the entire lobby area, and notice the ground is made of a green and white stone, and I can almost see my own reflection in the shininess of it. The inside walls are also made of the same stone that lays the ground, and a few chairs, benches, and tables are set out and about—having a warm and charismatic feeling to them. Some people are just getting to work, as well, so the lobby holds four men and three women including myself.

      The last thing I took in is the huge desk, it's made of stone too, but not the same green and white but rather a pure, pearl white. A woman was standing behind it, and she looked quite beautiful. Her hair was a nice strawberry blonde, with hazelnut brown eyes, and she was wearing a dark green velvet dress while sitting down in a chair. I took notice of how her eyes weren't settled on the arriving people, but rather steadily gazing at her left hand instead.

      I took a few steps forward, and walked towards the beautiful slated stone desk, and the woman looked up as she heard the small footsteps of mine approaching her. Her red lips, obviously tinted with a lipstick of some sort, spread out into an open smile, and I returned it politely.

      "Hi! I'm Claire, you look totally lost, can I help?" The woman cheerily asked, in a very exciting voice, almost too exciting for six o'clock in the morning. If you can't tell, I'm most definitely not a morning person.

      "Do you know where Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner is?" I questioned as politely as I could muster, my voice still sounding a bit hoarse, and I reminded myself to get a sip of my usual coffee when I have the opportunity.

      "Sure! He'll be on the sixth floor, are you the new girl he's expecting?"

      "Uh, yeah..." I nervously chuckled, am I so easily recognized for being utterly lost?

      "That's awesome! You're so much more prettier than what I thought you'd be!" Claire jumped up in her chair, and her back straightens out while doing so, I rose my eyebrows with shock at the fact she was so bubbly.

✓ 𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐃'𝐒 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, 𝘴. 𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘥Where stories live. Discover now