t w e n t y t h r e e

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"A weak man has doubts before a decision. A strong man has them afterwards." - Karl Kraus

Spencer's POV

We'd arrived back at the police station no more than ten minutes ago. There were still as many people as there was this morning, which wasn't surprising since the city was fighting against the threat of a child murderer.

I was patiently waiting for Tessa and JJ to arrive back from the scene. My right leg was bouncing up and down, and the three caffeinated cups of coffee I had earlier were slowly coming to a stop.

"You good, dude?"

I turn to face Morgan who was sitting next to me around the rounded over table that was sitting in our conference room.

"Yeah, why?"

"Your leg. Are you nervous or something?"

"What? N-no."

Truth is, I was.

I was going to ask Tessa on a date, an actual formal date. I had enough of letting my feelings get in the way of simple things, and I was determined to get a yes.

"Spill," Morgan deadfaces, and it looks like he's genuinely worried. There's definitely no way I can lie to him without him noticing.

"Fine..." I sigh in anxiety. "I'm asking Tessa on a date."

Morgan frown quickly turns to a broad smile, and I'm glad he isn't laughing. He pats his hand hard on my shoulder, making me gulp my adam's apple.

"I'm proud! Where are you taking her?"

"After Hotch lets us go to the hotel, I was hoping I could take her to a fancy Chinese restaurant the police officers have been talking about all day," I scratch my neck sheepishly. "What do you think she'll say?"

"She likes you, no doubt."


"Hey, we're back."

I look towards the doorway, to find a smiling Tessa and JJ. We meet eye contact, Tessa's cheeks turn a light pink, almost a blush, which makes me blush.

"Hey Morgan, Dr. Spencer Reid," Tessa nods as an exchange of hello's.

"Hey Tess," I smile, throwing the case file I had in my hand. "What's up?"

"Nothing really," she shrugs, pulling a rolling chair so she can sit next to me, only making my smile grow. "You?"

"If you had a second, I wanted to talk to you about something..." I scratch my neck sheepishly.

"Uh, I think we have a minute before Hotch comes. Why can't we talk about it here?"

She looks at Morgan, who quickly starts a conversation with Rossi and JJ. She tilts her head in confusion, and knots her eyebrows together.

"Um, it's just better outside."

"Alright, sure," she caves, getting up with me following her immediately like a lost puppy.

Morgan gives a thumbs up as I leave the room, and JJ a broad smile, while Rossi gives a wink.

I roll my eyes, I am not at all utterly surprised Morgan has told them the details of my private life.

"So what was it you wanted to talk about?" Tessa raises up an eyebrow, one of her most beautiful quicks. She does it involuntary, and it's quite cute.

"Well. I heard all the police officers talking about this Chinese restaurant down the street from the hotel we're staying at..." I stumble on my words, and I try to suck in air so I don't sound as strangled.

"That's such a good idea!"

I perk up, my slightly off lips were turned into a smile, and my eyes lightened up with excitement.


"I heard Hotch loves Chinese food, so it sounds like a good idea!"

All emotions flood my face, and I gulp down hard on my adam's apple. And Tessa tilts her face at my sudden change of emotion.

"What's wrong?"

"I, uh," I sounded more shaky than before. "I thought it could be, um, just us."

"Like a.?"

"Date," I finish.

a/n: whoa guys once again a shocker post update which i completely procrastinated oof

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