t w e n t y s i x

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Tessa's POV

"I... I don't understand. I have no siblings."

My breathing was harsh, I couldn't possibly believe whatever this man was telling me.

"That's what mom wanted you to think, see, she ended up sleeping with another man. Your dad was so embarrassed, being the holy almighty man in the FBI, couldn't have his wife sleeping around with other guys huh?" The man had a wicked tone, anger on the tip of his tongue. "Threw me out, she had the baby—me—and put me up for adopting. They were so embarrassed, they threw me out!"

"They wouldn't, my mom loved kids," I try to reason, my head still pounding.

"Now they're gone, and you're the only one left. I'm going to make you pay for their mistakes."

"I'm not them, I didn't do anything."

"Shut up!"

The man was getting heated, and I could tell, I need to stop making him madder if I want to get out of this alive.

"I'm sorry, Trevor, is that your real name?"

The man looked at the torture devices, then at me, giving a small nod.

"Trevor, I mean it, I'm sorry for what they did. It wasn't right, you were just a baby."

"You bitch! Stop talking to me like a profiler, you're not going to get out of here alive!"

I swallowed hard, and I tried to keep my focus and not get scared. Trevor picked up a small, thin knife.

"See, I thought it'd be more fun to have your friends watch. I've seen your boyfriend, Spencer right?" Now my breathing hitched, he knew about Spencer? He knows about my team? What if he tries to hurt them next?

He turned on the tv, which was attached to many cords and small boxes. I looked back at it, the screen showing just me tied up in my chair.

I looked worse then I felt; my hair was in a knot and you could obviously see the blood dripping down my temple where Trevor hit me, my shirt was ripped on my right shoulder.

"They're going to see this, live."


Spencer's POV

"We have to do something," I spoke swiftly, pacing the room uncomfortably.

"Spencer, we will, it'll be okay," JJ stated, trying to calm me down.

After we had realized Tessa had left everything behind, and in fact never made it to the hotel. We had the local cops out the messing report on the news.

"I don't understand, who would take her? Our unsub?"

Suddenly, the phone rang, startling almost everybody except for Hotch. Rossi picks it up, quickly turning it on speaker.

"Guys, turn on the nearest tv," Garcia spoke, a small voice crack. "You need to see this."

I ran for the remote, and turned on the tv in the middle of the room. As soon as I did, I regretted it. Everyone gasped, or make some sort of shocked noise.

"Tessa," I whispered, my eyes starting to water.

There, in front of me was Theresa Carter, tied up in ropes with blood on her forehead. She was steadily looking at the camera, she looked as if she hadn't quite processed what was happening.

She opened her mouth, and started moving it as if she was talking, but there was no audio.

"Smart," Prentiss commented. "Took the audible out so she can't tell her what happened or who it is."

She kept moving her lips, obviously she wouldn't know that we couldn't hear us. She was 'talking' fast, trying to explain everything.

"Maybe we can have someone sent over who can read words from this video?"

"Start recording it," Hotch said quick. "We have to try to trace this footage."

"On it," Garcia said.


Everyone turns back to me, and I point towards the screen. It was Tessa still, but now a man stepped into the view.

A knife in his hand.

"Oh my god," JJ said, covering her mouth with her hand. "He's going to torture her in front of us."

The man digs the knife into Tessa's shoulder, and I could almost hear her scream and her face grimaces. He drags the knife down her arm, leaving a trail of blood as he did.

Tessa looked as if she yelled an insult, and the man slapped her, earning a startled jump from me.

"Garcia, anything?" Morgan asks, looking away from the screen as Tessa's slapped again.

"No, the footage is untraceable. He must have some device hiding the exact pinpoint. I'll work on a general area," Garcia said.

"Hurry Garcia."

"The sooner we identify who the unsub is, the sooner we'll find Tessa."

For the next three hours we talked about the case, while leaving the tv on. Soon after the unsub cut Tessa, he left leaving Tessa on her own. Occasionally looking up to the screen, speaking words no one understood. She mostly just stayed and looked towards the ground, focusing.

"We have to think, the man who kidnapped Tessa, is our unsub. No doubt," Prentiss confirmed. "So what if he's related?"

"Tessa's parents are both dead, she said she didn't have anyone else," I spoke up.

"No siblings?" Rossi questioned.

"No, she was all by herself growing up."

"What if someone she doesn't know about, brother or sister? Or uncle of aunt?" Morgan added.

"The unsub killed kids who were top of their class, participants, etc. What if it's a brother or sister like Morgan said?" JJ said. "She didn't know she had anybody. She was top of her class too, maybe the sibling was jealous. Killing kids who reminded him of... Tessa."

Everyone took it in, and processed it as best they could. The only thing on their mind was getting Tessa home.


a/n: just wrote this in half an hour so sorry if there are any mistakes. also this is so extremely rushed because i just want to finish this book djsjsjsj. i already wrote the ending so just two chapters left woop!

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