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chapter twelve — take down
"Forgive." — unknown


EDITED: April 9th, 2021
Spencer's POV

      "I'M AN IDIOT..."

      CURRENTLY, I was pacing for about the hundredth time around the small conference room the police station that was offered to the team. My fingers were notched under my chin as I anxiously itched around my skin, and about a billion thoughts were running throughout my head.

      Tessa was right. It was wrong of me to just research her entire background, her entire life story just because I was interested. She didn't go behind my back to Garcia about me, so why did I have to mess everything up and go and do it to her?

      It was about seven am, and yet I still seemed to be the only member of the team here yet. There was talk of getting coffee though, so I assumed that that was where everyone had disappeared to. I thought that Tessa would head here for work rather than back to the hotel room being upset, but I guess I was wrong.

      "God..." I silently whispered to myself, having the urge to just slam my forehead into the wall. I'm already an awkward and flustering person in the first place, and this was only going to make things worse. 

      "Hey, pretty ricky," Morgan's voice almost startled me, and almost instantly, I came to a halt in my pacing. He quickly perked up an interested eyebrow when he saw the concerned expression covering my face. "What's up?"

      "I-I messed up," I sighed massively, running a few spare fingers through my growing out, loose hair. "I asked Garcia to research Tessa because I was worried and, well, she got mad."

     Morgan then sucked a rather deep breath, and it almost appeared like he had a disappointed expression stretched across his face — he wouldn't be the only one.

      "Why did you think that'd be a good idea?" Morgan questioned, almost as if he was asking a five year old why it would be a good idea to scribble all over on the wall.

        "I thought I could help her," I groaned, taking an available seat in the really uncomfortable chair that surrounded the oval table. I pressed two fingers to the side of my temples, feeling an overwhelming headache crawling upon me.

      "Woman definitely don't want to hear you're trying to help them, especially Tessa, she's so head strong, Reid."

      "I don't know what I thought..."

      "You hardly know her, but you really like her, don't you?" Morgan asked a bit more gentler than before, revising his words.

      "We can't—" Before I could finish the rest of my statement, I was swiftly cut off by Rossi and Hotch as they entered into the conference room with two warm and amazing looking coffee's in both of their left hands.

      "Anything wrong?" Hotch questioned with curious eyebrows, but the rest of his face still seemed to always have that emotionless expression.


      Morgan and I spoke at the same time, and instantly both of the FBI agents glanced suspiciously over to the other.

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