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chapter fourteen — soft spot
"Monsters are real, and ghosts are real, too. They live inside us. And sometimes they win." — Stephen King


EDITED: january 4th, 2022
Tessa's POV

      "HEY, GOOD JOB."

      IT WAS Morgan who had been the one to announce the praise, taking a seat next to me in the chair. After JJ was checked on by medics a few hours ago, and was cleared, everyone got their bags ready to go.

I went straight to JJ's and Prentiss's room, hopefully waiting out Spencer. Luckily, by the time I went to my room, his bags along with him were gone.

JJ, Rossi, Morgan, and Hotch were sitting in the four chairs that had a table that separated two chairs from the other two. Prentiss was talking to the person I won't name. And currently, I was watching Morgans lips move as he talked.

"Hm?" I ask, shaking away all the thoughts that were keeping me occupied.

"Taking down Claire?"

"Oh, right.." I mutter. "Thanks."

"JJ won't stop talking about it," Morgan laughs, saying a few more words but I quit listening. Then he tilts his head as he notices I haven't been paying attention. "Did you hear what I said?"

"Uh," I guilty look out the window instead of Morgan, and I hear him chuckle beside me.

"Something on your mind?"

"No," I dismiss, quickly.

We've been on the plane for three and a half hours, and I really couldn't wait to get out of this stupid plane.

"Seems like it. Is it Spencer?"

"No!" I say, a little too loud. Did Spencer tell him about what happened? Is it just because he's a profiler?

I make a weird noise in frustration, this is my business, I don't need other people digging around in it.

I grabbed the book I had on my lap, and threw it on the table in front of me, I didn't have the motivation to do quite anything.

"Okay, I'm sorry if I hit a soft spot," Morgan raises his hands in defeat.

"I don't have soft spots," I growl, look from the window to Morgan, a small smirk played on his lips.

Morgan gets up from the seat next to me, and doesn't say another word as he does. I huff out with annoyance, and look back out the window.

The sun was about to set, so the sky has orange, pink, and even a bit of purple. If it was a regular occurrence, I would have taken a picture of it. But with anger flowing in my veins, I give up with the idea.

"Hi." A voice that I hoped I wouldn't have to hear for a long time said.

"Spencer, please go," I frown, still looking out the window. I couldn't look Spencer in the eye, hell, I couldn't even look at Spencer at all.

"Look Tessa-"

"Spencer I don't want to hear it," I cut him off before he can say anything else. Now looking at him, I continue. "I-I can't talk to you now, and I don't know when I'll be okay with talking about it, ever. But please Spencer, please, just go."

"Tess, I wish I could change your mind.. But, I'll leave you be. I'm sorry, please just know that." Spencer sighs.

"Don't call me Tess." I hiss, not realizing I did until I seen Spencer's surprised face by my sudden changed tone.

"I'm sorry."

And with that, Spencer gets up from his seat on the tan chair next to me, a frown clear as day.

I'm conflicted with myself, part of me wants to forgive Spencer for what he did. But another part of me never wants to speak to him ever again.

He's my co-worker however, so I can't just ignore him forever. So, of course, the question is do I grow up and forgive him or state my ground and not.

Finally, the comfort of my own home, well, I should say apartment since that's where I had moved.

Boxes still littered everywhere, with labels for what they were meant for. The only unboxing I had done so far were clothes and a few different blankets. I hadn't really had the time to do anything quite yet, and I didn't have the energy either.

The plane had landed a little over two hours ago, and I said goodbye to a few people and then made my way back home.

Right now, I was on my black leather couch  with a bag of potato chips and a cup of coffee, and Friends was on. I was in my favourite pair of pajamas, and a big over-shirt. I also had a blanket draped over my body.

I was pulling my fawn hair strands into a pony tail when my phone went off, that made me jump. I grab it from beside me, and check it, and it turns out to be a message from Garcia.

Garcia : Hey hun! Girls night, u in?

I don't know if I wanted to join them. Garcia was the one who talked to Spencer, who gave him the information, I shouldn't blame her though.

Garcia : I'm sorry about Spencer, if I knew it would've caused such a problem I would've told u.

After a few minutes, I bite my lip with anxiety. She means well, and so did Spencer.

Me : It's okay. And yeah, I'll join the girls night. (:

I get up from my spot on my couch, and clean up a little bit. Then I finally get a text from Garcia.

Garcia : Awesome girly! We will b there in an hour. Look cute bc we goin' to the club! (;

I laugh from the way Garcia texts, but then realize she said she'd been here in an hour. I panicky run around my apartment to figure out what I am to wear.

a/n : look at me i posted twice so y'all shouldn't hate me (:

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