t w e n t y s e v e n

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Tessa's POV

"Why are you doing this?"

I felt the pain of several cuts all along my arms and shoulders, blood sticky and warm.

"I already told you, Mom and Dad are dead, you're all that's left."

The man picked out what looked like brass knuckles over his hands, giving a devilish look.

"This sure is going to be fun," he grinned, stepping towards me.

"This isn't right, and you know it."

Trevor ignored my comment, and proceeded to punch me in my jaw with the brass knuckles.

The pain from the punch seemed to be five times worse with the metal hitting my face rather than just a regular fist.

I make a grunting noise, and the bloody metallic taste floods my mouth.

He does it again, except the opposite arm, again hitting my jaw. I could feel my lip bust open as he did so, more blood dripping down.

"It isn't right," I cough out, spitting some blood on the floor. "I'm not the one who-"

He cut me off by sucker punching me in my gut, making all air escape my lungs at a surprising rate.

"You're going to make up for the mistakes that Mom and Dad made."

"You killed those kids to get my attention?"

The sudden change of topic seemed to shock Trevor, but he nodded nevertheless.

"You killed them for me?"

"I needed the FBI to come, and I pretended to be the sheriff to make sure they sent you and your team."

My heart seemed to hurt, not from the physical pain, but from mental. I was the one who brought those kids death, those families, I broke them.

A tear escapes my eye, and Trevor's laugh barked throughout the room.

"You care for everybody, don't you?" He punches me in my gut again, taking all my air. "That's what's going to make you weak, sis. Caring."

He punched me with his right arm, then his left, and then his right again. The pain was unbearable, and I couldn't help but scream out for him to stop. Once he stopped, I looked up and made eye contact with him.

"It's what.. It's what makes me human."


Spencer's POV

"We need to check reports of any possibility that Tessa's parents could have had a kid."

"On it," Garcia says, before ending the call.

It was currently 6 o'clock at night, exactly 12 hours since this morning when we found out she was missing.

I needed a break, I hadn't drank or ate anything all day, I couldn't. So I stepped outside the room, I ran a hand through my hair.

I had lost one love, and I didn't think I could lose another one. Truth was, I liked Tessa so much and I regretted not being there for her. I should've stayed, I shouldn't have left her all alone.

I hear the door creak open, revealing Morgan stepping out.

"Hey, you okay man?"

"The woman I like was kidnapped, and we have no idea who, so how do you think I am?" I snapped.

Morgan nods, putting a hand on my shoulder to stop me from pacing the hallway.

"We're going to get her back, I mean it. Remember what I told you? She's a strong, tough girl, she'll be able to get through this."

"Morgan, I think I might love her."

Morgan looked at me with sympathy, and I looked towards the ground trying to focus on making sure no tears fell.

The door opens again, this time it's JJ, she studies me and Morgan, and decides it's okay to interrupt.

"We might of found something."

Morgan follows JJ back inside the room, and I follow Morgan. I wipe my face of any wet tears.

It's time to focus.

"Listen, Tessa's Mom took a 10 month break about 3 years after Tessa was born. Her report said "must stay home with child". But obviously in that length of time, she could've had a kid. It's just about the only time where it was long enough for her to give birth without anyone noticing or questioning."

Everyone takes in the information, understanding and processing it.

"So that means we're looking for someone put to for adopting 3 years after Tessa was born, if it is a sibling."

"Garcia do-"

"I've got it."

I took a wobbly deep breathe, and took a seat. I looked at the screen, the man had rapidly punched Tessa in the jaw, and I was flinched.

"Spencer, it's going to be okay, we'll find her."

"I sure hope so."

✓ 𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐃'𝐒 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, 𝘴. 𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘥Where stories live. Discover now