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chapter five — ME's office
"To forget a person you love is to forget a story, a memory, a forever love." — unknown


EDITED: December 7th, 2020
Tessa's POV

      WE ARRIVED AT NEW HAVEN, Connecticut, merely a half hour later. As everyone fled from the plane, bags and coffee cups in each available hand. I was the last to exit the stairs, careful not to slip and fall and completely embarrass myself in front of everyone. I saw Spencer look behind twice, checking me every time, and every time he knew that I saw him, he'd turn back around with flushed cheeks.

      "He's so cute..." I thought to myself, and a small grin started to tug on the upper corners of my lips at his dorky smile.

      "You okay?"

      I jumped in my bones as I was startled by someone speaking up beside me, and it was JJ, who snuck up behind me without me sensing. I took back control of my breathing, and shook away all the fear in my veins, and composed an answer.

      "Oh, yeah, I'm fine," I politely smiled, still not really knowing how to answer that question for the twenty seven years I've been on this Earth. I watched the ground move from under my feet with every step, fairly distracted by it.

      "You don't seem fine, you seem distracted," JJ stated, smiling softly a bit at me, she then rose one eyebrow at me, and continues. "Tired?"

      It was now about noon, since we left around eight and it took four and a half hours to get here. I wasn't that tired, since I'm used to not getting the right amount of sleep, you could say.

      "Yeah, a little," I flashed a fake smile in hopes she'd end the conversation, mostly because I don't like people asking me if I'm okay, it makes me feel awkward and weird.

      "Hmm.." She bit down on her bottom lip, as if she was trying to convince herself that I wasn't lying straight through my teeth. "Alright, hey, if you're still nervous, you can talk to me okay? There's nothing wrong with being scared, but don't stress out. I remember when I was new, not a fun time."

      A laugh escaped her mouth after she finished, and a small one comes from me, as well. Maybe she was right, I shouldn't be nearly as stressed out as I was. So, I took a deep breath, and tried my best to relax myself.

      "You two coming or what?" Morgan, who was walking in between Spencer and Emily, shouted from about ten feet in front of us.

      "Yep!" I yelled equally as loud back, waving my hand, signaling to them they could move forward without worrying about us.

      While I was talking with JJ, I never realized how we were now walking upon the police department. It was a beautiful small building, a red and white brick outside, with several glass windows, and two big, glass doors were a few feet in front of us. As JJ and I walked in, I was blown away from how small it really was, along with how people were in here, you'd think it'd be against the law.

      "Jeez, busy much?" Prentiss whispered, loud enough for only Morgan, Spencer, JJ and I to hear. A very old man with a balding head took notice of our small group of profilers, and started walking over to our group.

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