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"Goodbyes are always hard" - unknown

Tessa's POV

"Lucy! Andrew! Come downstairs," I yell, my hand on the stairs looking up to the second floor.

After I hear the thumping of little feet, I walk away into the kitchen. Only to find Spencer eating one of the cookies I just made. I smack his hand, making the cookie fall back on the tray.

"Hey," Spencer frowns, looking at me with his cute puppy dog eyes.

"Those are for the guests, Spencer!"

By this time, the two little kids had stampeded into the kitchen.

"Hi mommy!"

"Hi Lucy," I smile, picking up the little girl. "Did you rascals clean your hands yet?"

"No," the boy answers for both him and Lucy.

"Well, how about you do mommy and daddy a favor and go clean them?" Spencer says, then picking up Andrew.

The children both nod, and Spencer and I drop the kids back on their feet. They rush past us, and into the bathroom down the hall.

At the same time, the door bell rings. Spencer and I look at each other, clearly excited.

I skip my way over to the door, Spencer on my tail. I open up the door, exposing the team.

JJ, along with Will, Hotch, Prentiss, Rossi, Morgan, and Garcia flood into the room.

"Hey, baby mama," Morgan says, the first one to speak. "Pretty boy."

I rush to Morgan and wrap my arms around him, then it's followed by JJ, Will, Prentiss, Rossi, Garcia, and Hotch.

"How're you doing, kid?" Rossi asks, taking in my small baby tummy.

"We're expecting," I state, pulling on Spencer's shoulder before laying my head on it.

"Twins, and now another one? You're a mean baby making machine," Morgan jokes, pulling me into another side hug.

"Congrats," Hotch says, smiling.

"Have any baby names yet?" JJ questions, Will wrapping an arm around his wife.

"Not yet, well, if you count Beethoven," I roll my eyes, looking towards Spencer.

"It's a good name!" He protests, pulling me closer to his body.


By this time, everyone had finished eating the huge buffet Spencer and I made.

"So, you going to come back to the BAU after this kiddo?" Prentiss asks, throwing her plate in the garbage bin.

Spencer hadn't stopped working at the BAU, of course, me on the other hand. Once I had figured out I was pregnant, I stayed as long as I could. When the time came, I took a maternity leave. Gave birth to the twins, Andrew and Lucy. I didn't go back to the BAU, with both Spencer and I working at such a big and busy place, I figured staying away with the kids wouldn't be so bad. They're three now, about to be four in just a few short months.

"I think I will, it just seems like so long ago. Hope I'm still good," I laugh lightly, looking at everyone sitting at the table.

"Well, we do miss you," Garcia smiles, almost a little sad.

After a little bit more of socializing and playing with the kids. It was dark, and it was time for everyone to start heading home.

Spencer and I bid farewell to everyone, cleaned up everything, put the kids to sleep, and then headed for our bedroom.

I changed into sweats, and then grabbed one of Spencer's t-shirts and threw it on.

Spencer walked from the bathroom, fresh out of the shower, his dog hair was still soaked.

"That was fun, wasn't it?" I ask, untangling the blanket from the sheets.

"It was, good for the kids to see them again too."

Spencer shuts off the light, and crawls into bed right next to me. I contently sigh, it was nice falling asleep next to Spencer every night. It was nice waking up to the kids jumping on our bed. It was nice making breakfast for the whole family on the days where Spencer wasn't called it. I was happy.

"Hey Spence, did you see this happening when we met on that elevator?"

I turn to him, even if I couldn't see his face because of the darkness.

"Well, I sure as hell hoped."

and they lived happily ever after.

✓ 𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐃'𝐒 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, 𝘴. 𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘥Where stories live. Discover now