t w e n t y

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"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours." - Wayne Dyer

Tessa's POV

"So you didn't have a date, huh?"

I was currently sitting on the plane as we were heading to Salt Lake City. I had a poetry book that I planned on finishing before we got there sitting on my lap, and I was still in the same clothes as earlier today.

Everyone was on the plane, of course. Prentiss and Hotch were sitting side by side while photos of the victims were on the wooden table in front of them. Rossi and JJ were getting some more coffee, Rossi's third cup for the day so far. Morgan was now sitting next to me, a smirk on his face, and coffee was in one hand. Spencer was stretched across the couch, a file containing this case must've been on this chest.

"Nope. I met a friend. Her names Marci, you'd like her."

I put the book on the table, the lights on the plane were bothering me, I hadn't noticed before, but now I knew for sure they were. They had an eerie feeling, and they needed to be changed.

"Give me a phone number and let me work my magic," Morgan replies, wiggling his eyebrows in an amusing way. "Speaking of magic, you and Spencer?"

"Why does that come up in every conversation I have with you?"

Today, Morgan was wearing a purple v-neck, with black jeans and a belt. No different than any other day, I'm afraid.

"Can't I be a wing man?"

I scoff, and look towards Spencer. He was wearing a green vest, and had black dress pants on. His usual dirty converse which I loved, and his arm was under his ruffled brown hair in a way I would've thought he was asleep.

"What's with him anyways, tired?"

"Dreaming of you," Morgan mutters, and I shoot daggers at him as a respond. "Why don't you go ask him, pretty girl."

"Maybe I will," I counter, standing up and ordering Morgan out of the way so I can squeeze past him.

He does as told, and also gets up, and walks towards Rossi and JJ. I go in the opposite direction however, and take a seat on the couch.

I do as Spencer did about a month ago, and left up his legs, where I can actually have a full seat without riding the uncomfortable arm of the couch, and then gently set his legs on top of my lap.

Spencer shifts, and that's when I realize he's asleep, and I immediately feel bad.

"Who is it? Morgan if that's-"

"-It's Tessa. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"You're fine, aren't we landing soon anyways?"

I check my watch on my wrist, and nod as a reply as Spencer groggily straightens his back and rubs his eyes.

"Didn't sleep?"

"No," Spencer hesitantly responds. "Not much anyway."

"I'm sorry. Maybe we can get coffee when we get there, well, later on. If you want to anyway, I totally understand-"

Why was I nervous? I don't like Spencer, and he definitely doesn't like me.

"I'd loved to," Spencer interrupts, beaming.

We arrived in Salt Lake City no later than two hours ago. We were currently in a conference room at the PD, much bigger compared to the ones I've been too lately.

The walls were painted blue, and the carpet was a dark brown, and they quite didn't match if you ask me. There were a few pictures of previous detectives that I had believed to pass away that hung on the walls, and there was also a small dark wooden nightstand in the corner of the room that had a flower vase on it, with dead flowers. And, of course, a table that matched the nightstand in the middle of the room, with several rolling chairs that surrounded it. A clear board that had pictures of our victims, a map for Spencer, and a few suspects the police had before we came. Papers were scattered everywhere, and there was a phone connected to the wall in which we will use to call Garcia.

"Okay, JJ and Carter, go to the crime scene. Reid, Rossi, and Morgan, go to the ME. Prentiss and I will stay here, and talk to the families of the victims," Hotch ordered, his usual monotone voice rang through the room. "Everyone meet here before we head to the the hotel room tonight."

JJ sends me a warm smile, and I return. We're the first to head out, followed by Spencer, Rossi, and Morgan. I hadn't seen Prentiss and Hotch leave the room, though.

"You are definitely not driving," JJ states, chuckling to herself as she digs the keys out her back pocket.

She was wearing dark dress pants, with a blue shirt on, no blazer surprisingly. Her blonde hair was straightened, and it looked like it had grown longer since the last time I'd seen her.

"Why not? I'm an amazing driver," I reply, and JJ unlocks the black SUV that was parked close to the entrance of the PD.

"Stop lying!" I hear Morgan yell from the car next to us, however, he was already in the front seat, Spencer on the passenger, and Rossi was in the back.

I jump into the passengers seat, and JJ gets into the drivers, and starts the car without a single trouble.

"I don't think I was talking to you!" I say just as loud, maybe even louder.

Morgan shakes his head playfully, and Spencer waves goodbye with a smile on his face and they pull out of the parking space.

"Heart eyes much?"

a/n: update yay !!! this is a much better chap in my opinion, so if you like it don't forget to vote and comment !! they always make my day ;)

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