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chapter eleven — overreacting
"When people see good, they expect good. And I don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations." — Damon Salvatore


EDITED: December 14th, 2020
Tessa's POV

AFTER A SHORT WALK, PROBABLY around five minutes or so, Spencer and I had made it into a very modern looking coffee cafe. It was spectacularly beautiful, and I was envious of the fact I had yet to discover an adorable and small cafe just like this, however back at home. I mentally added it to my to-do list when I would arrive back home, mostly because these little corner cafes are one of my favorite places to be.

We took an available table near a wide stretched out window, which was a perfect spot since you could easily spot the sun rising up through the yellow and orange speckled sky — slowly creeping above the buildings to finally spread some light of the day.

"So..." Spencer awkwardly spoke up through the silence, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. He had fished out a tiny little plastic menu from the corner of the table, and started to scan the many deserts and coffee options. "What time did you wake up this morning?"

"Way before you," I joked, letting a smile cross my pink lips while mimicking the same action as he did previously, picking up another menu. "I got up around four am, I think."

"Why so early?"

I nervously swallowed some spit in the back of my throat as my mind floated back to being abruptly yanked out of a light sleep. I quickly shook away the thoughts, and started to scan the small cafe to see if any waitress would come around and save me from having to continue this conversation.

"Couldn't, well, uh, I couldn't sleep," I spoke quickly, flashing a quite fake sympathetic smile as I dropped my eyes back down to the menu. I figured if I could pretend I was reading something or thinking about what I wanted to ordered, perhaps Spencer would drop the subject.


"You sure have a lot of questions," I nervously laughed, blinking a few times as I felt my patience running a bit thin — and I desperately wanted a waitress to stop by so I could get some warm liquid to calm my nerves.

"You don't seem to have the answers," Spencer countered quickly, and I almost suspiciously narrowed my emerald eyes over at him. "Is it your nightmares?"

      I inhaled a swift, sharp breath, and I could quite literally feel my heartbeat increase tenfold — it thumping rapidly while rising in the back of my throat. My eyes darted carefully to Spencer, almost to search his expression to see if he was being serious or not.

      "Is it?"

      "Spencer, h-how did you—?" I spluttered, feeling a sudden dryness in my throat while while I tripped over all my words. I felt panic rising in the pit of my stomach, and even against all feelings, I felt some sort of emotion swelling in the back of my eyes.

      "I asked Garcia to search you so I could find out—"

      "—You asked Garcia to what?" I interrupted, my mouth hanging ajar as I tried to comprehend what he was actually saying. Did this mean he read my file? He knew everything that made me different and weird, and the many different scars that littered me — both mentally and physically.

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