t w e n t y o n e

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"No man or woman who tries to pursue an ideal in his or her own way is without enemies." - Daisy Bates

Tessa's POV

Heart eyes?" I ask, tilting my head a bit in confusion as I buckled my seat belt. It rubbed against my shoulder uncomfortably, or maybe it was this shirt.

"I seen the way Spencer looked at you," JJ explained, a small smirk on her face.

She turns the car wheel a bit, and puts it in reverse, steadily curving out of the parking spot we were resting in. She switches her eyes from in front of her, to her back, a few times.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes childishly, folding my arms as I do so.

"Denial!" She exclaims, taking me off guard.

She pulls out of the parking lot, and turns left onto Harper street. There were a lot of people in their cars driving, along with being on the sidewalk, highlight of a Saturday in Salt Lake City.

"I didn't deny anything!" I protest, watching my rear mirror as someone was getting close to our end.

At that moment, my phone rings its familiar bell, and I fish it out of my pocket.

I expected either Marci or Spencer, but the number was unknown. I furrow my eyebrows, and take notice of JJ looking at me with question.

"Wrong number," I shrug off, and JJ nods, paying full attention to the busy road in front of her.

I enter my password, and click the contact the unknown number was, and I didn't recognize it at all. I open the text, and swallow the curiosity I was feeling.

Unknown number:
I know where you are, Theresa, I know everything.

A shiver goes down from my head to my toes, and I gulp my fear. It's just a prank text, that somehow knew my number and name.

I shake it off, and put my phone back in my pocket. I try to get my mind off the creepy text, and turn up the radio a little bit.

I didn't know the song that was on, but I tried paying attention to the words the best I could to distract myself.

"So, I've been ignoring asking the question for awhile. The first case we were on, we went to a bar, I seen you and Spencer. I walked away to use the bathroom, and boom, you two were gone. What happened?"

I sigh, I knew I couldn't hide what happened that night any longer. It'd be best to let out everything, it has been nagging in the back of my head.

"Well, he took me to his house and-"

"Whoa stop there! He took you to his house?" JJ says, breaking eye contact from the road to meet with mine. "Did you two.?"

"No JJ! I passed out, and the next day we hung out and watched a lot of movies. It was nice, I fell asleep on him..."

"You guys are the cutest!" JJ smiles proudly. "Now have you two had a date?"

"Not technically..."

"Ask him out!"

I chew my lip nervously, I couldn't ask him out. He was my co-worker, it'd be unprofessional. But then again, I've never felt this way about anyone else.

"JJ, I don't know..."

a/n: this was prob a horrible chap, sorry guys! i've been so busy, now i have three books that i'd like to post every week on sunday so i have to write a lot! don't forget to like + comment if you like ;-)

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