t w e n t y f o u r

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Tessa's POV

"A date?" I repeat, to be honest, Spencer had completely taken me off guard.

"If you don't want to I totally understand I really only asked because Morgan influenced me and I really was nervous, oh my gosh this was a mistake I-"

I cut him off by quickly grabbing a handful of his shirt, quickly pulling his skinny figure closer to mine. Without hesitation, I lean in and kiss his soft lips and release the wad of shirt as I swung my arms around his neck.

He was shocked, but then he slowly sinks in and kisses me back. When I pull away, I see a surprised Spencer standing in front of me.

I then realize exactly what I had done, it completely not like me, and I immediately blushed and looked down towards the ground.

"Wow," Spencer finally speaks up, making my eyes lift from the ground to meet his. "I'll take that as a yes."

A small rumble of laughter escapes him, and I'm so unbelievably happy he didn't think what I did was incredibly inappropriate. I join him in laughter, and when we calm down we both have huge smiles on our faces.

"I'll call you, after this case," Spencer states, sounding much more confident then he previously was. "And we can figure out a day."

"Great," I smile, leaning towards him, leaving a peck on his cheek. "I'll be looking forward to it."


Spencer and I walked back into the room, now filled with everybody on the team. They all turn heads at the same time to see an extremely red Spencer and I.

We excuse ourselves for being 'distracted', and take our seats on opposite sides of the oval table.

Everybody starts talking about the case; new facts, any possible suspects, the victims, but I hadn't been paying attention.

My phone vibrated, and I fetched it out of my pocket. I told Marci I was busy, but I guess she didn't get the memo.

I open up my phone, and realize it was not in fact not Marci, but the mystery person I had ignored earlier with the creepy text.

Unknown number:

So, how you enjoying the case with the dying kids? Afraid you won't be able to stop the killer How about the fact I'm the killer?

My breathe hitches, and I reread the text several times, I try to come up with a response, but my mouth is dry and my fingers frozen.

I see the person typing again, and feel it vibrate as they send in the text.

Unknown number:

Don't tell anyone about these texts, sweetheart, or I'll gut another kid.

I finally get the nerve to answer this person, because the sudden fear of them being the real killer flew through my mind.


What do you want?

I watch my phone carefully, waiting for their response, but it doesn't come through before Hotch yells my name.

"What do you think, Carter?"

I look up, hiding my room as everybody looks at me. I turn a pink color, since it was obviously I wasn't paying attention.

"Thanks for finally joining us," Hotch states, with a hint of annoyance.

I felt like the kid the teacher picked on for an answer, when it was obvious the kid wasn't paying attention.

"Sorry," I murmur, turning on the tablet in front of me.

Then my phone buzzes, and my heart rate increases again. I look up at Hotch busy talking to JJ about something on the board.

I fish my phone out, quickly unlocking it and reading the text.

Unknown number:

You. Just you.

I gulp.


You're killing those kids for me?

"Alright, I think that's enough for tonight guys. Let's head to the hotel and we'll meet in the morning."

Everybody folds close their files or shut off their tablets, and grab purses or jackets while getting up. JJ, Hotch, Prentiss, and Rossi file our all together.

Morgan and Spencer talk for a few minutes while I'm still on my phone waiting for a response.

"Hey, Tess, ya coming with us?"

I look up, hiding my phone quickly by shoving it under my thigh. Morgan and Spencer had steady eyes on me, and I shake my head gently.

"I'm gonna stay back, look over the files one more time," I brush off.

"You sure?" Spencer looks down at me, a bit concerned.

"Yup, I'll be back at the hotel in a few minutes don't worry," I smile at him, then at Morgan.

"Alright, whatever ya say pretty girl," Morgan teases, walking back towards the door, being followed by Spencer.

"Goodnight!" I yell out as they walk out the room.

I get up, and walk up to the board, observing each picture and word steadily.

After close to an hour, I had decided that staying up like this had no good. I hadn't come up with any new theories, nor did I get a text response by the mystery supposed killer who had texted me.

I gave up with the number, I kept on telling myself that it was a prank, because that's the only thing that made sense.

I get up, shutting off the tablet I was using and throw my purse over my shoulder as I shove my phone into it.

I dig out my keys as I walk out of the police station. This was the only moment the entire time we'd been here where tons of people weren't here. Only three people were left, the bald sheriff, a woman working the front desk, and a man who was walking out of the building right in front of me, I guessed another police officer. He holds open the door for me, and I smile at him.

"Thank you, uh," I say, trying to finish my sentence but unable without a name.

"Trevor," the man finishes.

"Thank you, Trevor," I state, walking up to the black SVU right by the door.

"You're welcome, Theresa."

I walk towards the car, but stop mid-step, turning back towards the man. As we meet eye contact, a smirk formed on his face.

Then everything turned black.

a / n: okay i'm guessing three to five chapters left ¿ maybe more i'm not for sure, but that's the guess.

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