Three~Life Story

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A/N: Oops. I'm two days late. Sorry... But here....

SOTC: Flashlight by Jessie J.(my best friend introduced me to this song last night so yeah here)

QOTC: Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined. ~Henry David Thoreau



"I know you like her." I looked at her shocked and confused. "What are you talking about? Who? I barely know any of you!" I replied, defensively. "Oh come on Drew! You know exactly who and what I'm talking about. Sam! You like her! I can tell. You look at her the way Alex looks at Vi." I shook my head, refusing to admit anything. "You can't deny it. I know what I saw. And I know you know that you like her. It's so obvious. You look at her like she's the most beautiful and precious thing in the universe. And while she is, that's not the point. You like her just say it." I took a glance behind me at into the studio through the window and saw her dancing with Jayk again with the biggest smile on her face. I just felt really sad when seeing that. I knew I couldn't deny it anymore. I liked her. But it was more than that. Like I'd had crushes before. And I'd dated people before that I really liked but I never once felt like this about any of them. "You're right. I don't know how or why but I like her. I like her a lot. More than I've ever liked anyone before. I don't even really know her, though. So how is this possible? How can I just meet this girl and already be feeling this way about her without really knowing her?" I asked her, reluctantly. Kate just smiled at me, letting out a small laugh. "Stranger things have happened. She just has that effect on a person. Without even trying she can make you feel things you never believed were possible. She's a miracle like that. And a miracle in the sense that she almost didn't make it this far in life as well." I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "What do you mean by that?" Kate let out a slightly exasperated sigh. She then motioned for me to come over and sit by her near the neighboring studio, close enough to the glass barrier that we could look down on the lower levels but not close enough that we could fall over the side.

"It's a long story. I think I can give you the Reader's Digest version Sam gave me," she cleared her throat lightly, collecting her thoughts. "So uh, Sam's parents met later in life. So, of course, there might have been some issues having kids. Her mom had been in a relationship before meeting Sam's father. And she'd gotten pregnant but had a miscarriage. It was horrible. Some time after, I'm not sure of the time frame, Chuck, the previous boyfriend, broke it off with Sam's mom. But she met Sam's dad through mutual friends and a CB radio. They talked on the phone for weeks before they ever met. When they did, they were just friends. Her dad then needed a place to stay so Sam's mom offered to let him sleep on her couch. So they were living together for awhile and everything was good. But good things don't ever last, so Chuck came back into the picture. It was when Sam's mom was in bed with Chuck and got up to answer the phone for Sam's dad that she realized that she was over Chuck. So she ended with him and got together with Sam's dad. Blah, blah, time skip. So there were jokes, with Sam's grandparents, about Jan and Jamie, Sam's parents, having to hurry up and get married because, being catholic, the priest that was at their church was moving parishes. In the end, they did get married in October of '95. They had their honeymoon in Tennessee. In December, Sam's grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. But by Easter, they found out that Jan was pregnant. In May, Sam's grandpa passed away. He knew that Sam was on the way, though. The following December, Sam was born, C-Section. While Jan was pregnant they learned that she had an ovarian cyst but couldn't do anything because of the baby. After her birth, the cyst was removed as well one of Jan's ovaries. Sam was very sick, though. She was born on the 7th but didn't leave the hospital until the 19th. She spent twelve days in the Neonatal Intensive-Care Unit, NICU. The nurses were betting on whether she'd make it through the night. It wasn't until Jamie threatened to take her from the hospital that they got anywhere with anyone. The doctors weren't telling them anything! The head of the hospital showed up in Jan's room the next day with two security guards. Her dad has some anger issues. When Sam finally was able to leave the hospital, it wasn't a walk in the park. Jamie worked all day and Jan couldn't pick Sam up because of her stitches from the C-Section. So Sam's grandma had to come help. All throughout Sam's childhood, when she got an earache she would vomit. In August of '98, Sam was gifted with her younger brother, AJ. When Sam was eight, however, her other grandfather developed cancer. Visiting him while he was going through Chemo, scarred her for life. To this very day if someone says they're 'gonna throw up' she has a near mental breakdown mixed with a panic attack. In the final days, she had with her grandma, Sam couldn't even spend time with her because of her issues with vomit. It's safe to say that Sam's life hasn't really been easy. She's fought for everything she has and everything she is today. The main point of all this is that she's a walking miracle. When it comes to guys and relationships, she's kinda picky. And let me just tell you this now, and don't let her know I told you because she'd kill me, she likes you." The whole story was so sad and the end shocked me. She liked me? Sam, the amazing girl I'd just met, liked me? She liked me?! I couldn't believe it!

After Kate's speech, I asked her, "How do I get her to admit it?" She smiled. "That, my friend, is easy. Just start a conversation with her. She's always had a bit of an issue talking to guys she liked. She's a little shy. When it comes to guy friends she acts like that" she replied nodding to the studio we'd left. "Trust me, if you make her nervous she'll either shut down and then you'll see it or she'll blurt it out. She has a problem with talking too much when she's nervous." I chuckled because I talk too much no matter what. "We should be getting back. There's not much more to record." I told Kate who gave me a bright smile and allowed me to help her to her feet. We walked back to the door. I opened said door and held it for her.

"Did you enjoy your make out session?" Alex joked once she noticed us. We looked at her confused, "What?" Jayk looked at Kate with a question on his face and slight annoyance in his eyes, that I knew was directed at me. Sam looked up and said, "Wait, what's going on? Who's making out? What did I miss? Why do I always miss everything?" Kate, Shelby and Alex all laughed at her adorable pout. "Dude, no one's making out. No one did. You didn't miss anything. I was joking! Jealous much?" Alex spoke up. Sam gave her this look that said, 'have you lost your mind?'. "Uh, no. Besides, what do I have to be jealous of? I don't own anyone. I swear you're always trying to start drama. That's not exactly my forte. This is." Sam then walked over to the small piano by the sound board and played an old Greyson Chance song, singing as well. Had the piano not been involved she would have been singing 'Waiting Outside The Lines' acapella. Her voice was so beautiful. When she finished the song, she looked around at our shocked faces. She then blushed and looked down, backing away from the piano. "Uh, sorry," she muttered as she sat down on the couch again. "Why are you sorry?" I asked. "I um, I shouldn't have done that, sorry." She whispered. "Well don't be. You have a great voice." I told her.

"No, I don't. Really. There are people who are way better than me. I'm just okay. I'm really not that special. Although, these losers," she said gesturing to her friends, "seem to think I'm this miracle. And I'm really not. Sure, I spent 12 days in the hospital after I was born. Sure, I nearly died. But that doesn't make me special or amazing or perfect. I'm far from it actually." She continued, voice lowering at the end. Her friends rolled their eyes and sighed. They'd obviously had this conversation with her many times. "How many times have I told you not to doubt yourself?" Alex asked.

"How long have we known each other?" Sam answered. "Somewhere around, I wanna say, 10 years?" Alex said. "Yeah, that sounds about right. God, has it been that long already? Although I have been friends with Zee and Hyhy longer." Sam returned. "Mhm. Zee, since 2 and Hyhy since birth." Alex laughed. "You've had friends since birth?" Blake asked. "Kinda. Zee, I mean Zack and I have been friends since I was two. His younger sister Hailey and I have been friends since she was born. She's younger than my brother. And Zack is older than me. I haven't talked to him in a bit. He's busy with Alex and Bree. He's got work and a family to care for. Baby Alex is so cute, though. Hailey's showed my pictures. She's such a good aunt." Sam answered. Her phone then went off. Alex told her it was Levi. "Who's Levi?" I asked. "He's Alex's boyfriend. But I've been friends with him longer. I introduced them when she was trying to get over her awful ex, Jared. I met him about the same way I met Alex. In band. He's really cool. He's a little bit older than us but that's okay because he's like the older brother I never had. And Zack couldn't fill. He was too much of a bad influence. But Vi was always there. You guys would like him. Al's can you ask him if he wants to hang out with us?" She explained. Alex nodded texting him via Sam's phone. "He said he'd be here in five. He just got off of work." Alex interpreted. "Yay!" Sam exclaimed, happily.

A/N: Sorry it was late! I feel so bad. I just realized it was Wednesday and I hadn't posted. I'm sooooo sorry. I hope you like it anyway. It'll be on time next week I hope. Love you all. No photos for this one either. It's another continuation. I'm trying to post this quick. I'm watching Rocky Horror Picture Show for the first time. Okay, hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Okay bye.


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