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A/N: This is probably way too late but Idc anymore. I wasn't home all day. And quite frankly, I don't think I'm emotionally stable enough to care rn. But whatever here.

SOTC: I Miss You~Miley Cyrus (has nothing to do with the chapter)
QOTC: If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can't buy.



Following them down to the parking lot, we overheard a conversation between them. "Okay but for real, like I want the most innocent things out of a relationship with him. Like hand holding and hugs. Cute little walks and cooking together. Smiles from across the room and goodnight messages. Impromptu photos and cuddles. Cute little compliments that make me blush but he tells me I can't deny it when I try to. Pet names and kisses on the top of my head. Hair twirling and song lyric tweets. "I miss yous" and slow dances even to upbeat songs. Hugs from behind where he rests his head on my shoulder. Cleaning together and "Princess". Sweet indirect tweets that you know are about you. Stay at home movie dates and ordering pizza. Cute arguments over who's gonna pay. Handmade presents no matter how bad he thinks they are. Singing together even though I'm hopelessly bad and him still telling me I'm good. "Hey, beautiful" and "Okay, Love". Animal nicknames and different affectionate nicknames all the time. Best friends and more. Video game dates where he tries to teach me how to play but I already know and I'm just humoring him. Playing "Nurse" when he's hurt. Making him smile when he's down. Staying up all night just talking. Giggles and playful pokes. Skype calls when he's gone and phone calls before bed no matter the time zone. Cute little trips to like a friends but he makes it an adventure. Valentine's Day scavenger hunts and stealing his hoodies. Never wanting to let go of hugs bc he smells so good. Holding hands in pockets when it's cold or when he's driving. (stealing from 5sos) Stoplight kisses and tickle fights even though he knows I hate it. Nerf gun wars and water fights. Smashing birthday cake on each others faces and then sweet kisses. Sharing candy and "Are you okay babe?" even though I'm not that hurt. Play fights and fake arguments just to make up. Talking through the real problems and joking about the fake ones. Realizing that neither of us is perfect nor is our relationship but working it out anyway because neither wants to leave it. Dying one another's hair if we wanted even if it was just temporary. Swimming races and Marco Polo. Hide and Seek and Tag! Card games and board games. YouNow's together and answering couple questions. Cute fake proposals so when the real one comes you don't know if it's real or not. But it is real and even though the ring is a plastic toy, I don't care because simplicity is cool. Walks on the beach and giving pebbles. Sunday drives and watching the sunset. Playground dates and swing pushes. Picnics and chasing fireflies. TV show marathons and reading to each other. Pretending to be asleep when I wake up so that he's not caught watching me sleep even though I know he was but never say anything because I do the same thing. Waking up next to him. Sharing pajamas, and racing for the door when the food arrives. Cheap but cute dates to fast food restaurants just because. Dressing up and going to a fancy restaurant and feeling out of place and leaving before we order because he knows I'm uncomfortable and just going to like Arby's all dressed up still. Knowing when the other is lying without looking at them. Making weird faces at each other over Skype because we don't wanna hang up but have nothing to say. Reading while he watches tv or something and hardly talking but cuddling and just being in a comfortable silence. Watching him perform from backstage and getting a happy celebrating kiss after the show. Good luck kisses before shows or leaving for tour. Not having to wear makeup for him to call me beautiful but still wearing it because I love seeing his eyes bug out when I get dressed up. Thanking me, silently at award shows or concerts. Secret handshakes because we're children. Quoting Shakespeare in weird voices and seeing who can keep a straight face the longest. Piggyback rides and "bridal carry"s. Lullabies when I can't sleep and holding me when I cry. Protecting me from the thunder that I know can't get me but still scares me every time. Stealing his hats, shirts, hoodies and sometimes socks just because they're his. Singing me cheesy, romantic songs because he thinks he doesn't show his love enough. Making my heart race with just one smile. Falling asleep on the couch and waking up in bed. Waking up to breakfast in bed even if it's just cereal. Just spending time together no matter where we are, together or not, talking or not just being with each other and loving one another in the most innocent and simple way possible." Sam ranted. The girls all nodded, agreeing that they wanted the same things.

The four of us shared a look. It was then that I knew just how much I meant to her. I didn't know I had that big of an impact on someone's life. We watched them get into her car, and drive off in the opposite direction that we'd be heading in just a few minutes. Sighing, we looked at each other before climbing into the van and heading off to the hotel. When getting into bed that night, I couldn't get her off my mind. I picked up my phone and texted her.

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