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A/N: So we've made it to chapter 19! Wow! Before I go any farther with this, I just want to give you a little warning. This chapter is probably triggering to a lot of people. Please, please, please, don't read it if it's going to upset you. I just want you all to be safe and happy. Please be careful. I'll put a little line of stars around the parts that are triggering. Skip those if you need to. There will be a slight warning in the next chapter because it's a continuation of this one. Please be safe my lovelies! 
Quick edit: none of this is true. It's a work of fiction. Yes, the part about the stroke is 100% true but the rest is not. Please be safe.

SOTC: Dark Side by Kelly Clarkson
QOTC: The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly. ~Unknown



We found her, surprisingly, in the car. She sat in the front seat, earphones in and staring at her feet. We all clambered into the black SUV and locked our seatbelts, per Michael's request. Stating that she'd want us safe. Nothing else was said the whole way there. Ashton, behind the wheel, took us to Luke and Kate's house. The only sound in the car was the faint blasting of her music, our breathing, and a few shuffles as we moved around uncomfortably. We pulled in the driveway and Sam was the first one out. She rushed out so fast the car hadn't fully stopped and she left the door open. We all shared looks of concern. Calum climbed over TC and Nick to chase after her. Ashton parked and shut the car off and we all followed their hurrying into the house. Kate greeted her parents and brothers politely and introduced Jayk before she followed us looking for Sam. Michael, Luke, and Calum found her first. As the rest of us arrived at the door, Calum knocked and asked to talk. The door swung open, allowing the three boys in but no one else. "What's behind that door?" Michelle asked. "A bathroom," Kate answered. "Let's wait for them in Luke's room, they'll find us when they're done."

We followed her down the hall to Luke's room. It was a typical boy's room. Messy but relaxed. Everyone found a place to sit and relax but me. I couldn't. I was worried. I paced the floor scouring my mind for possibilities of what she could be hiding. But nothing seemed to fit, nothing seemed real. I couldn't seem to figure out what it could be. I was trying to prepare myself for what it could be but that's not easy when you don't have an inkling of a clue as to what it could be. After a few minutes of racking my brain and pacing, the door opened and the boys stepped in followed by Sam. I couldn't see her right away but once I did, I just felt so shattered. She'd been crying, and still was. She had tear tracks on her cheeks and her beautiful eyes were red and puffy, shimmering with unshed tears. Her bottom lip was red and appeared to have been bleeding. The sides of her cheeks were red and she kept wiping her eyes with her fingers. Her once adorably messy hair looked crazy, almost as if she'd been pulling at it. She let out a sniffle, it was cute in a very sad way. The part that hurt the most was that she refused to even look at me. Shocked and hurt, I dropped into a spare space on Luke's bed, unable to hold myself up any longer.

Calum lightly pushed her forward so she could be seen. "Go on tell 'em." She looked at him pleadingly. Michael opened his mouth to defend her against Calum, but Luke tugged on his arm and shook his head. Then he pulled Michael away from her to the opposite side of the room. "Tell them! We've been over this. You can't keep running. It's now or I tell 'em. You don't want that," Calum told her. She was reluctant but nodded in resignation. "Okay," she said to him brokenly. Hearing her like this made my heart ache. I wanted nothing more than to pull her into my arms but I knew Calum wouldn't allow that until after the story was told. There was the sound of struggling in the back of the room. Luke was trying to restrain Michael but it wasn't working so he pulled him out of the room. We could hear him forcing Michael to go down the stairs and out the front door. Once Michael was occupied, Calum looked at her expectantly. She nodded and he took a step back, leaning on the door.

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