Eight~Date Drama

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A/N: Hello and welcome to chapter 8. Little drama here... Hope you enjoy.

SOTC: Let It Go by Demi Lovato(aka queen) (has nothing to do with the chapter but i just love this song.)
QOTC: Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. Then go and do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~Howard Thurman



Five flights of stairs and an interesting walk across the lobby and we were piling into the van, Sam behind the wheel. The radio was cranked and all the windows were down. We drove down unfamiliar streets passing people out walking dogs and playing basketball in the street. We soon pulled into a large parking lot, finding a good spot in the parking garage. We stepped out of the car, sliding on sunglasses. Partially to shield out the blazing sun but mostly to disguise ourselves a little. Every fan we passed that asked for a photo or autograph, Sam would look at them, say, "No" and drag us along. Blake asked her why and she told him that this was a day off and that meant no work of any kind, photos and signatures included. Kate also made the point that this was supposed to be a date. Stepping into the air conditioned mall was like stepping into heaven after being in hell.

"Okay, now that we're here, y'all can do anything. I have some conditions, though. One, wherever we go, we stay together. There're enough people here that we can all get lost. Two, there are a few stores we have to go to before we leave. And before you ask we are not staying here forever. Deal?" Sam announced. We all nodded in agreement. We then set off to the first destination.

About two hours later we were following Sam like lost ducklings out to the car. We'd gone to basically every store in the mall. The main points being, Hot Topic-where the girls went crazy, Spencer's-that had some interesting things and plenty of flirting and mental images us guys won't be able to forget, Claire's-where the girls pretended to be aesthetic, Build A Bear-where all the girls made cute little stuffed animals, the Disney Store-where Sam was like a child and got small Tsum Tsum plushies, Sam freaked out on an escalator in Macy's and we sat for a while and just watched people walk around. It was quite fun.

After we got in the car and took off toward our next destination, the stereo that was hooked to Sam's phone started playing a Christmas song. All the girls sang along at the top of their lungs to 'Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass' by All Time Low. The drive to the next place wasn't long but it was fun. By the time we arrived at Taco Bell we were all singing along and making up lyrics to the songs. We got out of the van and wandered into the restaurant laughing. We placed our orders. The girls wouldn't let us pay at the mall so we were going to pool our money and pay for lunch. But when we went to do so, Sam had already paid for all of us. She waved at a girl in the back who waved back and then waved another over from the back. Moments later a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes came out from behind the counter. He walked right up to Sam and pulled her into a hug. When he pulled back, he held her at arm's length and started to blatantly check her out. She gave him this look that said 'what are you doing?' but just let it happen. I'm not jealous. I can't be. I don't own her. We're not even dating, yet. She can hug who she wants. I thought to myself. "Wow, look at you," was the first thing he said. "Um, what? I'm literally no different than I was in high school. Maybe a little more mature but doesn't everyone mature after school?" She asked him. "I suppose... but there's just something so different about you now. I just can't put my finger on what it is," he replied. "Put your finger on anything and you'll lose it, dude." She retorted. "Who are your friends?" He asked changing the subject quickly. Sam went around and called us all out by name. He nodded to each of us in turn. "So are you all just hanging out or..." he trailed off, questioningly. "Uh, yeah. We're hanging out," she replied nonchalantly. And okay wow that sent a pang of pain straight to my heart. But I'm sooo not jealous!

"So this isn't a date? Because if it's not, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me, later or tomorrow. Whatever works for you," he answered, a little nervously. Okay, now I'm jealous. No, I'm angry. Who does he think he is?! Waltzing in and trying to sweep her off her feet. I don't think so! I was so pissed. "Um..." was all she said. She was looking at him wide-eyed, obvious confusion written in her eyes. I couldn't tell if the confusion stemmed from him asking her out or from not knowing how to answer him. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to say something. "First of all, yeah, we are 'hanging out'. All. Day. Second, of all, who do you think you are? Third, no, she can't and won't go on a date with you because she's with me. Yes, me. I can give her more than a college student working at Taco Bell! Okay? Got it?! If not, I can clear it up for you," I told him angrily, raising my hand, ready to hit him. "Whoa! Take a step back Rocky! You really think you're gonna hit him? I don't think that's a wise decision, Mr. Scott." Sam said to me before turning to the blue-eyed blonde Taco Bell worker. "Danny, really? All through high school you barely acknowledged my existence. Now suddenly I'm attractive? Nah, I don't think so. I'm no different than I as in school. I may have had a crush on you all through high school but I'm over that now. Way over it. I have higher standards now. Mkay? So back up. Plus, Drew's right, I am on a date. And I will be all day. But honestly, I'm not interested. You weren't in school so, now you can have a taste of your own medicine. I'll take the food we ordered and we'll go find a seat. But it was nice to see you again. Maybe I'll see you at the alumni game this year. That is if I'm in the country. I might be, anywhere else by then." She told him almost bitterly then took my hand, looking over her shoulder at him to say, "Toodles!" with a small wave.

We walked over to a table near the middle of the restaurant, Levi and TC carrying our food. When we sat down, she put her head in her hands, then ran a hand through her hair. "You okay?" Blake asked when he sat down across from us, Shelby attached to his hip. She nodded sadly. "Ugh, you have no idea how hard that was. I had myself convinced in school that I was in love with him. I was crazy about him but he always blew me off. Like we were friends and all. I mean, Alex, Levi, Danny and I all went to prom together. Levi and Danny were the ones that pushed me to go. I didn't want to. I'm not into school dances. Alex didn't want to either. With Vi, we almost had him convinced to go bowling instead but Danny jumped in and said we could all go as a group and I couldn't say no to his blue eyes and sweet smile. So I went. The dance was, as predicted, boring but After Prom was fun. But the point is, doing that was so hard. Do you know what it's like to turn down someone that means that much to you? It's the worst feeling in the world," she said quietly. I felt so bad then. I felt awful. How could I have gotten so jealous when she cared that much about him? She then changed the subject off of her and onto someone else.

The whole meal was filled with relentless flirting between Jayk and Kate, Shelby and Blake, and Sam and I. When Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo played from the radio, Sam turned to the girls with a certain look on her face and the four of them got up and danced around us, sensually. It was an obvious attempt at flirting but it was working. When the line "First class seat, on my lap girl" played the girls ran their hands along our leg. And they winked at us when the line "our conversations ain't long but you know what is" played. They all got really close to us when the 2Chainz rap came around. They gently caressed our necks when the line "tongue on neck" rang through the speakers. Every time the saxophone played, the girls body rolled. With every swear word 2Chainz rapped, Sam would bite her finger to keep from saying it. When the song faded out, the girls just returned to their seats as if nothing happened. Before any of us could bring up the dancing, Sam was ushering us out the door and to the car. The drive was much longer this time.

A/N: Okay there's that. I don't know what to say here so... Feedback would be nice. Okay, have a lovely day. Byeeee


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