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A/N: Okay so I know that this is really late but I was busy yesterday and totally forgot about this. I'm sorry. So here's chapter eleven, a day late.

SOTC: Hurricane by Forever In Your Mind (Bc I love Ricky and I'm listening to FIYM rn so...)
QOTC: When people hurt you over and over think of them as sandpaper.They scratch and hurt you. But later, you'll be shining and polished, while they end up useless. ~Unknown



With the house tour over, the girls, 5SOS boys, Levi and my bandmates wandered off with simple, 'We'll be back's thrown over their shoulders. I assumed the girls went off with their dates to, I don't know make out in a dark corner or something. It was just Sam and I alone. "So what did we come here for again?" I asked her. "Oh uh, we came to pick up a few things and then we're gonna go to the Y and go swimming. But well, I mean, I guess we could stay here. I mean we have a pool after all. And it's not crowded like the Y would be. I suppose we can stay..." she kept rambling on comparing the two pools and, while it was really cute, I needed to shut her up. She was talking too much. If she kept going like that she was gonna pass out. So I did the only thing I could think of to quiet her down nicely. I kissed her. Her hand that had been tangled with mine untangled and wrapped around my neck as well as her free hand. The kiss was sweet and innocent. There was still space between us even. Well, that was until she used her hold on my neck to pull herself closer to me. I was surprised and I had a feeling she'd keep surprising me. My arms rested around her waist, gently. The kiss was still innocent and sweet. When I finally pulled away, instead of looking at me like I expected, she hid her face in my chest and mumbled, "You don't know what you just did." Confused I asked, "What do you mean?" She sighed and removed her head from my chest to reveal her, red-faced and the color wasn't going anywhere. Her eyes were wide and wild. She took my hand and placed it at the pulse point behind her ear. What I felt there, I was not expecting. Her pulse was jumping erratically. I looked at her wide-eyed. "And that's calmed down from what it was." My eyes widened evermore. "It's catching up. Yeah, it stopped for a minute," she continued when I flashed her a concerned smile. "Like I said you don't know what you're doing to me. So you can't do stuff like that," she scolded me, adorably.

"So does this mean that I win?" I asked her with a smirk. "Oh, hells to the nah! Dude it's just getting started," she replied. I laughed and pulled her in for a hug. "If we're swimming then we need swimsuits, don't we?" I asked her, genuinely curious. "Nah, you don't need it." She said, pulling from my arms and leaving me standing in the middle of her bedroom, blushing. There was a loud shout from somewhere in the house. To which Sam replied with yelling, "Calum shut up or I'll cut your vocal cords." "Sorry!" he replied much quieter. "Mhm, sure," Sam said from the hall. Peeking her head back into the room she said to me, "Ya, gonna stand there all day or you gonna put this on?" She threw a pair of plain black swim trunks at me. "Those should fit, if not come find me." And with a wink she was gone again. I quickly changed into the trunks that fit surprisingly well. Then set out to find that angel that I'm falling fast for.

When I found her she was in the living room handing out swim trunks to all the guys and directing us all to different rooms to change. She even had a swimsuit for Michelle. Once everyone dispersed, she turned to me. "I take that since you're wearing them means they fit, yeah?" She asked me. I nodded. "Okay then if you'd like you can head out to the pool, I have to wait for Michelle to finish changing before I can so I'll make some lemonade or something for us. Kay?" She continued then ushered me out to the yard. "Wait, before I go outside, I have a question. How did you know it was Calum that was yelling?" I asked quickly before she shut the kitchen doors on me. "Oh, that's easy. We live with them for about a month a year. It really sucked when we were living in our old 2 bedroom apartment. It was awful. We were double bunked as it was and then add 4 more? The place was so small you had to go outside to change your mind. But it was all we could afford. And we could barely afford it! All four of us were working, and going to school and we hardly had any time to buy food. We lived on Ramen noodles three meals a day for months. I could do it but everyone else was getting tired of it. We didn't want to ask for help. We moved out to be independent. When we were about to be evicted for not paying rent, for like 3 months, we had no choice but to ask for help. I knew my parents couldn't afford it. I grew up poor. Shelby wasn't talking to her parents. And Kate's were too far away. All we had left was Alex's aunt and uncle. We choked on our pride and asked for help with the rent. It ended up being that Natalia got us out of our lease, she's a lawyer. And Maddox bought us this house and nearly everything in it. We told them it wasn't necessary. We just needed rent money. They wouldn't have it. We were living in a small, broken down 2 bedroom apartment with broken appliances, hardly any of them ever worked, in a bad part of town. We were living downtown and were terrified of being killed in our sleep most nights, so Nat and Dox got us out. They made us safe again. They pay for the housekeeper that comes in once a week and the lawn service who's here nearly every other day. We can barely make a mess in the house or yard and it's cleaned up. It's crazy! I'm not used to living like this. I had to beg Nat to back the maid off to once a week. I'm cool with cleaning my own house. Like we pay for the utilities so we are still working but Dox won't let us pay for the house. When it's paid off he's putting it in either mine or Alex's name. We're the oldest's," she answered smiling, then pushed me out the door and shut it.

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