Twenty-One~All That Time

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A/N: So we're nearing the end... So weird to think about. My other story is still going on. I'm not even done writing it... Wow. Okay, so this one's kinda short? I'm ify on the title but I don't feel like reading the whole chapter first so here.

SOTC: Brand New by Ben Rector bc it's been stuck in my head since Saturday.
QOTC: All you need is faith, trust and a little pixie dust. ~Unknown (Idk, I found this on google and fell in love with it.)



**Six Months Later**

Our week long break was great. I got to spend time with the most amazing girl in the world. Although Blake and Jayk would argue that they had the most amazing girl in the world but we agreed to disagree. Those two are both hopelessly in love with their girlfriends. But who am I to talk? I'm just as bad as, maybe worse than, they are. Over the course of our break, there were multiple group dates and up all night talks and "family time". At one point there were some, uh, interesting noises coming from Kate's room. Luke wasn't too happy. Jack and Ben thought it was hilarious. They weren't laughing about what happened; they were laughing about how mad Luke got about it. After that, Luke wanted to kill Jayk every time he even looked at Kate. He wouldn't leave them alone anywhere. It drove Kate insane. She was so upset she went to Jack and Ben for help. They told her that it didn't matter to them what she did with her boyfriend or her life, they'd support her no matter what. They also reminded her that while Luke was still quite a few years older than her, he was still the closest one to her and he tended to be overprotective. He was just looking out for her. He just didn't always go about it in the best possible way. Jack suggested she talk to Luke directly. Kate was reluctant, but she did. He blew up at her at first. He didn't want to hear any details but after she smacked, literally, some sense into him, he realized that what he was doing was not only wrong, but it was weird too. So after a long talk, they resolved things and while Luke wasn't happy to know what was happening, he left them alone. And it was better for everyone that way. It got funny when Sam walked by and heard things so she immediately came to me and drug me from the house for a few hours. She refused to go back until she got a text saying "It's over" from someone, anyone. Once we were back on the tour bus it happened again and she threatened to jump off the moving bus. She claimed those were the kinds of things best friends don't need to know. Said it crossed some line. And then threatened to take some key away. None of us got it but Sam and Kate. They were weird. But it was a cute weird.

There were thousands of songs sang. The shows were great. Meet and greets were fun. Sam and Nick's play arguments were the cutest things ever. There were tearful goodbyes to the 5SOS boys and their families at the airport when it was time to move on. This tour was probably the best one we'd ever done. I was so glad to have these girls by our sides. Halfway through the tour, Blake called Shelby onstage one night and presented her with a promise ring and a promise to never leave. His words had the girl sobbing into his shoulder. Sam had to come and take her off stage because she wouldn't stop crying. As she pulled her best friend backstage, Sam flashed Blake a dazzling smile. He was a little too proud of himself for the rest of the show. When we got off stage, I overheard Sam and Shelby talking about some poem. I was intrigued but since it wasn't my conversation, I decided to stay out of it. On the bus, Shelby went around showing us her promise ring. It was cute. It was silver and had a diamond studded infinity sign in the center. It was probably quite expensive. And I'm not sure where Blake got it but he must have gotten it somewhere good. It was obvious that Shelby was overflowing with joy. After we'd all seen the ring in detail, Sam gave her a look. Confusion crossed the bubbling girl's face momentarily before whatever Sam was trying to convey, clicked and she ran off to the bunks. Returning minutes later with a piece of paper held tightly in her hands. The girls smiled at the now nervous girl, encouragingly. She took a breath and called for everyone's attention. She turned to her blonde boyfriend and smiled adoringly, then she began to speak.

 She turned to her blonde boyfriend and smiled adoringly, then she began to speak

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"So,uh. I kinda write poetry whenever I get the chance. It's not that good in my opinion and it's usually very dark but a few were inspired by good times, people, or things in my life." She smiled and looked around at all of us. Eyes touching most importantly on Sam, Kate, Alex, Levi, and Blake. "So I wrote this one a while back but it's really important to me. So if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to read it to you all..." she trailed off, unsure. We encouraged her to read it. Sam threatened to read it for her if she didn't. So after a big sigh and a lot of encouragement, and a few loving smiles from Blake, she read the poem. (A/N: This is actually Shelby's poem. I thought it was beautiful so I put it in this. Hope you enjoy it like I do. She's so talented. I'm so proud to call her my best friend. Even if she's more like a sister to me.)

"We walk down the street hand in hand
Receiving stares from all around
When you go to drop me off, you stop
You stare at me with your big beautiful brown eyes
I stare right back
The next thing I know I feel your soft, lush lips against mine, our eyes now closed
When you back away I smile, blush, and avert my gaze
You take my chin between your thumb and forefinger and look me in the eyes
A look of a thousand words
I lean in and kiss you again
A kiss to say goodbye
Just for the night"

We all sat there amazed. Shelby then mumbled out an explanation of what inspired it. It was Blake's turn to be overly happy. The rest of the night the two of them just sat all cuddled up and making ridiculous "goo-goo" eyes at each other. It was cute at first but after awhile, it started to become too much. Sam threatened to throw herself off the bus if they became like Jayk and Kate. She claimed she couldn't handle two inseparable couples. Then she ranted for ten minutes that no matter how long two people have been together, they need time apart to remember just how much they mean to you. It was really sweet. Tour continued as it was before, "Jayte"; Jayk's ship name with Kate, and "Belby"; Blake's ship name with Shelby, were a little closer than they were before and it seemed to kind of annoy Sam. It wasn't that she wasn't happy for them. She just thought that they spent too much time together and that they needed to relax on some of the "coupley" things they did. But all in all, the tour was the most fun I'd ever had. I was so glad to have those girls with us. The 6 new members of our tour team were the best things that had ever happened to any of us. I couldn't believe how lucky we'd gotten to have them in our lives. They've brought us all so much joy. I wasn't ready for the tour to end. I didn't want to leave them in Ohio while we went to LA. But we had things we had to do. We had interviews and songs to record and write. The plane landed in Detroit and we had a 2-hour drive to Ohio. We were staying a week with the girls in Ohio. Sam was happy about having me around for a little while longer. I was happy to be with her too. I didn't want to leave her. Ever. 

A/N: Anyway so that's that. Hope you enjoyed it. I'll see you next week. Comment: 😍 If you love Shelby's poem. Comment: 😏 If you know what the "strange noises" were. And comment: 😁 If you're excited for the next chapter. I love you all. Have a good day kiddies!


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