Chapter 28 - One Chance

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"This is so stupid." I say.

"Shut up crazy." Dylan replies.

We sit back to back in the only wide open area we could find in this arena. It's probably near the center of the island, but enough distance from the cornucopia as we can.

"We need a plan. Just sitting here isn't going to kill Toby." I say.

"Okay crazy, do you have an idea?" He asks me.

"Yes, yes I do." I say proudly. "We spilt up and-"

"No, We're not splitting up. My previous ally had that same plan and he got killed only a few minutes after we split up." He says with no emotion.

"Just listen to my plan." I say. Dylan sighs and I continue. "We first have to find him without confronting him. After we spot him, you will take your spear and go to a good aiming spot. Somewhere you can see him but he can't see you. Then I will go confront him and get him somewhere out in the open where you can throw the spear and kill him."

"That's actually a pretty good plan." Dylan says. "But are you sure you want to go confront him? You might get killed and-"

"I'm sure. And besides, you have a better aim than I do." I smile and turn around to face him. "Dylan, we only have one chance to get this right. One chance to kill him. The game is ending tonight. I know that, you know that, and Toby knows that. One chance, that's all we have."

He looks me in the eyes and hugs me. I hug him too and I don't want to let go. I don't want to lose him. I want him to live. Maybe thats why I made this plan the way it is, because I want Dylan to win and not me. Toby will probably kill me, and Dylan will kill Toby without putting himself in danger.

"No you aren't going to die." Toby says as he lets go.

"What?" I ask him.

"You know why I called you crazy?" He asks me.

"Because I'm crazy." I say.

"Yes." He sighs. For the past couple of days you have been saying whatever you were thinking, sometimes you don't even know that you are saying that."

"That's impossible. How could I..." I start saying but then I feel a pang of sadness and I realize who I am. "I'm crazy."

"Yeah, I was trying to tell you that from the beginning. But now you know, and I promise I won't bring it up again." He says.

"Just promise me that you will snap me out of whatever I'm saying if it is bad." I say with tears streaming down my cheeks. "Please. That's why there's lightening. The gamemakers want to shut me up so they created lightening-"

"Kaya." Dylan says as he puts his hands on my shoulders. I did it again. "You will get better, I promise."

"No I won't. I'm going to die tonight. So will Toby. You are going to go home to your dad, he will forgive you, and life will go back to normal again." I say.

"No, you will live and return back to your happy family. They need you more than my dad needs me." He says.

"I... I haven't thought of my family since I got here. I've been so focused on surviving and keeping my alliances that I haven't thought about my family." I cry.

"Oh, I'm sorry I brought it up." He says as he wipes my tears away.

"No, it's good that you did. I have to say something to them." I say as I stand up and look around for any hidden cameras. "Hi mom, dad, and Brent. I don't see any cameras around, but I know somewhere around here there is one, and you can see and hear me." I say out in the open. "Whatever happens tonight, just know that I love you, and you guys will be the last thought I have if I die tonight." I smile and I sit back down next to Dylan.

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