Chapter 33 - "Simple Girl"

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My eyes flutter open, and suddenly I feel different. Maybe it's the fact that I had no nightmares, that fear doesn't sit in my stomach. I look at the clock beside my hospital bed, and it reads nine am. A small smile appears on my face; I survived the night without waking up in terror. I should probably ask Annie for more of that stuff...

But then it hits me like a bus, today is my interview. I start to tremble, if I had any dreams last night, today would have definitely been in there. I'm going to screw up so badly, Snow will kill my family. Snow will kill my family. He will kill them before I even get home and it will be all my fault. The idea of them murdered by Snow is burned into my head. The worst thing about it is that I can't do anything about it.

Or can I? I can act well tonight. Appear innocent and sane, even though on the inside I am a complete disaster. This will be a challenge, but I have to ace it. Hopefully Caesar will ask me simple questions, he's usually good with these situations, so I've heard. This is just one night. One night and this whole nightmare will be over.

Heels click down the hallway, and that could only mean one thing. More visitors. I make myself comfortable in bed and close my eyes before I hear the door handle make a sound. Please leave me alone.

"Kaya, wake up sweetie. Today is an important day!" I recognize that voice immediately, she was the last person I saw before I entered the arena.

"Nimmi," I smile as I open my eyes. My stylist is one of the few people right now who I would love to see.

"Congrats on your victory! We will have lots of time to talk about that later, but for now we have to make you pretty again."

See this I why I love Nimmi, she doesn't sugarcoat things. She gives her honest opinion about everything. From what dress I should wear, to any questions I have, she's honest.

I slide out of bed, and walk down with Nimmi several hallways to what looks like a personal salon. Hair products to the right, racks of dresses to the left, and in the center lies the beginning of the whole process; the table with hoses with shampoos, conditioners, soaps, and wax. Remembering a similar place to this is a huge flashback. About a week before the games started, I was beautified to perfection. All of my flaws that were made back home disappeared. And now after surviving the games which left me with scratches and bruises will disappear. Only my scars will remain.

"Lets get started." Nimmi smiles. Within minutes I am whisked to the table where the real fun starts. At first he warm water soothes my terrible skin, and Nimmi messaging my head full of conditioner and shampoo makes my eyes close in relaxation, but I know exactly what comes next.

The burning sensation starts with my legs. Nimmi spreads the hot wax all over my small legs. My fingers grip the edges of the table and I squeeze my eyes shut. Taking a deep breath in, the wax rips away the hair on my legs. I sigh and wait for her to start all over again, wishing there was a less painful way to do this.

Her next task is my sunburnt face. From being out in the sun non stop for more than a week, she has a huge challenge. She starts by wiping a clear liquid all over my face. "It should clear up your sunburn in a few minutes." Nimmi explains. Wow, the Capitol has a lot of nice things, why don't they share it with the districts? I can't even count the number of times I got a sunburn back in District Four. Nimmi lets out a small giggle, and that's when I realize I said that out loud. Shit. My cheeks blush in embarrassment, and I focus on relaxing for the time being.

After she finished waxing and tweezing my eyebrows, dried my wet hair with a blowing machine, and filed my weak nails, Nimmi gives me a robe to throw on as we cross the room to the hair station.

I wonder if she's going to do the same thing as last time. For both my chariot ride and my interview, my hair was stunning and impressive with my dirty blonde hair down and wavy.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask.

"Something not as daring as last time, but I think you might like it." Nimmi answers as she gathers her supplies together. "I was thinking a simple look."

"Simple look," I repeat. "Like..."

"Like 'I just won the Hunger Games, but I'm actually a really nice harmless girl' kind of look. What do you think?" She smiles. I can tell she isn't thrilled with this idea either, but she knows what's best for me. I nod my head and she starts immediately.

Compared to how long it took my other hair styles, this was the quickest one. Nimmi simply straightened my hair and pulled a few strands of my hair back in two little braids tied up in the back. She hands me my dress, and I slip it on. It's a simple light blue dress that ends at my knees. I wear a golden belt around my waist that matches my golden heels. Nimmi applies minimal makeup to my face, just the golden eyeliner stands out.

"I look great, thank you." I gratefully say as I hug her.

"Not what I originally wanted, but it will have to do for tonight. Just you wait until you see your victory tour dresses." Nimmi beams.

Oh yeah, the victory tour.

With nerves sitting heavily in my stomach, I follow Nimmi out the doors and down many hallways. My feet ache, but that isn't my main priority at the moment. The interview is.

Where is Annie? I need advice on how to survive this troubling interview to keep my family alive. This interview will determine everything for me and my future. My fingers play around with Brent's bracelet that I refused to take off since I left the arena. I'm never taking it off, no matter who asks me to.

In a matter of minutes we are backstage with staff running around preparing for the night. My night. A night that will be full of cheering and crying. Suddenly I am relieved that I'm wearing waterproof mascara, because there will be tears.

We are walking to the waiting room when something catches my eye. No, it's not a something, it's a someone. My body reacts faster than my mind does. I stop right in my steps when his name passes my lips.




Sorry I haven't been able to update a lot, I've been super busy and it's annoying, I know. BUT, I have a two week break coming up so I will be writing more often!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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