vampire money

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Hey guys I hope you like the story so far, I know it really sucks arse but maybe you like it? Oh well here.

Gerards p.o.v

Ive been at this school for about three weeks now. Me and frank are still good friends. Aperintaly he lives right by my house. Its been raining alot here, its colder and I dont like it. I mean oregons cool but COLD. 

third person.

As Gerard sat on his bed looking out his window watching as it rained slightly, he saw frank. Frank was outside in a medow, but while he was in the rain he wasnt getting wet. This confused Gerard. It looked as though frank was walking a dog. Hmm.

Gerards p.o.v.
(i know so many p.o.v swithces but It was an accident and I didnt want to erase any more...)

Now that I think about it I have never seen frank anywhere but my house and school. He never talks to anyone but me... I wonder....

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at my door. "come in!" I shout. "jeez im right here you dont have to shout," mikey says walking in. "i wanted to know if you want spaghetti and garlic brwad for dinner." He continues. "ohhhhh yes its my favorite." I answer quickly.

soon later im called down for dinner. "thanks mom I love it." I say eating my bread. I always eat one peice then my spaghetti then my last peice. I dont know why. I look outside just in time to see frank in the rain and then just...  disappear.

*time switch*next day at school*

I see frank and remember last night. I look at him and some how I notice something I have never noticed, people bump into him. Normal, right? NOT! They not bump into him, they go THROUGH him. I have no idea whats happening but it is.

Is he a ghost?

Ok ok ok ok I know I know its.............. yeah. But dont blame me! I couldnt think of anything for this and suddenly I had a burst of insperation and presto change-oh! well im happy cause people are acctually reading this and whoo-hoo!!

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