its a fob song but the tittles to long

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Heey so im back at it AGAIN and yeah so my tittle is the song im listning to I slept with someone in fall out boy and all I got was this stupid song written about me and I cant fit it in so here the tittle. Soo I will probably only make a couple more chapters but who knows. Maybe I have a surprise. ;)

Gerards p.o.v

I walked around the empty old blue shop wondering what it was used for. Theres an old sign I can see, AMTECH, barley read able. Ive heard of Amtech. Its a place in oakland I think.

I've been staying here since I ran away because, well, no ones ever been down here that I know of. Suddenly I hear the door knob being unlocked, jiggled, and then the door swings open, sending a stream of light in. I freeze. Mom will kill me if she finds out im here. To my surprise I see Dora, one of our nauhbours.

"dofh djcnwj didenw jid ejcnd MRIVHEKS!" she says in fast spanish that I do not understand. Then Eduardo comes in and gasps.

"i, uh, I can, uh, explain uhhh.." I say probably sounding stupid. I start running to the closest door. I hear there kabota start up. I cant outrun that. Ill get tired and they will get me. I run around the corner and see them come around the corner after me. I run into this cargo carrier thing and try to hide. Greeeaaaat gerard! Your traped here! Smart, real smart.

They stop and I hear them climb out. "geerard its ok we want a help." They say trying to find me. I slowly rise from the boxes, keeping my head down. "im sorry." I say and break down in tears. They come to my side patting my back and comferting me.

"geerard why di you run way?" Dora asks. "well you probably know, we-we are m-moving and I li-like it h-h-here I lo-love someone here an-a-a-and-" I start to cry more at the meer thought of leaving frank. They start to talk in spanish I dont know, going back and forth sparing side glances at me. I inhale and clear my throat, trying to stop crying. I start to beable to talk without sobing again, repeting what I had said earlier. "My parents, want me to, move. I dont want to move. I like oregon, i found the love of my life and I cant leave hi- them." I whisper, I dont want them to know im gay so I dont say which gender 'they' are.

"oh, my my myy. Well tru love. Do you even kno where you ar to mov?" They replie. They do have a good point. Maybe we arent moving far. "no." I admit. "i guess your right."

***after talk at gerards house hoOºOold***

I walk onto my perfect porch to my perfect house and knock on the perfect door. The door swings open to reviel my moms face, tear striken and worried. I feel really bad for leaving now, maybe I shouldnt have. "Gerard, I dont know what you where thinking running away like that.
I was worried, and, and, and, YOUR IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" ohhhhhh great.

Sooo yeah thats it for this chapter but I will try to write more tonight. Okay byyyeeee.

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