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Being Stiles Stilinskis cousin was in no possible way easy. Everyone knew he always meant well.

Growing up with Stiles, I became more and more like him - sarcasm and all.

"Lucia wake up come on!" speaking of the devil; Stiles climbed through my window, his leg hanging into my room. Somewhat startled I sat up and got ready to call out for my father, a policeman in Beaconhill, along with his younger brother.

"Stiles go away. It's like 2 am." As soon as I realised it was my wonderful cousin I fell back into my pillow.

"We have to go over to Scott's house!" He whispered in my ear, knowing full well that there was nothing I hated more. I glared at him but decided that letting him go himself could definitely get him or Scott killed. "Fine. But just keep in mind. You owe me big time for this."

Before I even had the chance to even think about where we were goin Stiles was already halfway put o the window insulting my choice of clothes, "You're such a tomboy when it comes to style. How are you friends with Lydia?"

Ignoring Stiles I clambered out of the window after him. 

On our way to Scott's house STiles finally decided to fill me in on what we were doing.

"So my Dad informed your Dad about a dispatch call. They're getting state police and every officer from Beacon Hills." Stiles explained excitedly to which I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him "What for? What happened?"

"Well they found half a body in the woods so we're going to look for the other half." He grinned.

No. No way.

"You can't be serious".

"As serious as I could be. Two joggers found it." Stiles explained to me, pulling up to Scotts driveway.

"You're insane Stiles. Completely insane." I jumped out of his beloved Jeep and followed him up to Scott's porch, secretely hoping Scott would be able to talk some sense into his best friend.

"Let's scare Scott, he's not answering his phone anyway." Stiles climbed onto the roof of Scotts porch.

I groaned but kneeled down, not wanting to be a comlete spoilsport. I took the liberty of throwing random pebbled at the McCall's front door.

Scott opened the door and cautiously walked out with a bat in his hand. Stiles let himself down, causing both boys to scream bloody murder.

"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?!" Scott screamed. "You weren't answering your phone!" Stiles complained as I popped up and climbed onto the porch. "I tried stopping him." I piped in.

"Why do you have a bat?" Stiles asked curiously. "I thought you were a predator." Scott answered embarrassed making me laugh. "A pre - I - wha - look, I know it's late, but you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago. Dispatch called. They're bringing in every officer from the beacon Department, and even State police." Stiles explained a bit too enthusiastically.

"For what?" Scott furrowed his eyebrows so I decided to explain the rest "Two joggers found a body in the woods." I crinkled my nose and Scott looked at me "A dead body?"

Teen Wolf Season 1 // Scott McCall FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now