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*Picture of Elliot*

I was just sitting in my room doing some homework for Mr. Harris when Elliot came into my room. "Hey El. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" I asked and he climbed onto my lap before handing me the phone. I furrowed my eyebrows but held it to my ear as Elliot rested his tiny head on my chest. "Hello?" I asked, rubbing my little brothers back.

"Hi! Lucia! You need to get here now. Come to the video store. Bye!" Stiles hung up and I sighed.

I picked Elliot up and lied him on my bed before getting changed into some joggers and a hoodie, I also tied my hair up in a messy pony tail. "I have to go out for a few." I kissed my Mums cheek and hopped into her car to drive to the video shop. I arrived and found Jackson shouting at my uncle and Stiles watching.

"Why the hell can't I just go home? I'm fine." Jackson told Sheriff in outrage. "I hear ya, but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard. They just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion." My uncle tried to calm Jackson down "What part of I'm fine are you having a problem grasping? Okay, I wanna go home." Jackson retorted. "And I understand that." The sheriff answered calmly. "No, you don't understand, which kind of blows my mind, since it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum - wage rent - a - cop like you! Okay, now, I wanna go home!" Jackson shouted and I got out of the car. I was about to say something when Stiles spotted somethings "Whoa, is that a dead body?" He asked as I stepped to his side. The Sheriff gave him a look before telling everyone to back up, so we did.

I looked around and spotted Derek and Scott on the roof looking down at the dead body. "Thanks for that Stiles. I'm going back home." I patted his shoulder and turned but my Dad was standing in front of me and I awkwardly chuckled. "Hey Dad. Bye Dad." I tried to walk around him but he stopped me. "How did you know?" He asked me and I turned around to Stiles for help but he was trying to hide in his Dad's car. I sighed and turned back to my Dad "How do you think I found out?" I questioned and he shook his head "Get home kiddo." He pointed at Mum's car and I shot him a thumbs up before rushing to my Mothers car.

"You're already back?" My Mum smiled and I nodded "Ya. Is Elliot sleeping?" My Mum nodded so I quietly walked upstairs, got changed and cuddled Elliot before falling asleep.

The next morning I carefully picked up Elliot and placed him in his bed gently so he wouldn't wake up. I showered and got dressed before walking down stairs.

"When did you buy that shirt? It's adorable

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"When did you buy that shirt? It's adorable." My mother asked me as she sipped at her coffee. I looked at her with sad eyes "Jack gave it to me as a kind of saying goodbye." I whispered suddenly feeling very sad. "Oh." Was all she said before walking away. I sighed and got into Stiles car. "Hey. Are you okay?" He asked me and I nodded, faking a quick smile.

For the rest of the way we were silent and as soon as he parked his car I immediately got out and walked into the school. Allison was standing at her locker and when she opened it balloons flew out. So I walked closer, Allison pulled out a birthday card and I face palmed myself. How could I not know when Allisons birthday was. I speed walked up to her and she quickly hid the card.

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