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"Hey Mum." I greeted my mother with a kiss on the cheek and grabbed an apple to eat before going to school. "That's a sweet outfit. Are you trying to impress someone?" My Mum asked as my Dad came down the stairs with Elliot in his arms. Elliot was still sleeping and I smiled before turning to my mum blushing. "Maybe." I bit my lip to prevent myself from smiling.

I looked down at my outfit and suddenly felt VERY girly. "Do I look to girly?" I asked my Mum and she shook her head smiling. "You look just as beautiful as you always do." She kissed my head before leaving for work. I took a deep breath and followed my dad, who hadn't said anything all morning, to the car.

I met up with Scott, Stiles and Allison. Allison and I walked into one direction whilst Scott and Stiles walked into their next lesson. "You look cute." Allison complimented me and I smiled at her "Aw thank you." I sat down next to Lydia and she lifted her eyebrows. "Are you trying to impress Scott? Cause Sweetie like that you're gonna make him blind." I didn't quite understand so I just smiled at her.

After about half a hour I got bored and raised my hand. "Yes Lucia?" My teacher picked me and I asked her if I could use the rest room. "Of course." She smiled so I got up and walked put of the classroom.

I stopped as soon as I saw Derek talking to Jackson. I crept up to them and listened.

"Where's Scott McCall?" Derek asked and to my surprise he was pretty calm and friendly. "Why should I tell you?" Jackson retorted and I sighed, way to fuck it up Jackson. "Because I asked you politely, and I only do that once." I nodded to myself before walking closer. "Hmm. Okay, tough guy. You know, how about I help you find him if you tell me what you're selling him? What is it? Is it, uh, Dianabol? Hmm? HGH?" Jackson provoked and my eyes widened as I continued cautiously walking towards them.

"Steroids." Derek answered simply but Jacksok wasn't buying it. "No, girl scout cookies. What the hell do you think I'm talking about? Oh, and, uh, by the way, whatever it is you're out selling, I'd probably stop sampling the merchandise. You look wrecked." Jackson smirked and my heart started beating faster. Fortunately Derek decided to just leave it. "I'll find him myself." He said but Jackson grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. "Jackson!" I interfered but it was too late. "No, we're not done" Jackson growled so Derek pushed him against his locker, his claws going into the back of Jackson neck. He quickly pulled them back out and pushed past me.

I quickly followed Derek "Hey. Wait." Derek stopped and slowly turned around "What do you want?" He asked coldly and I looked down at his hand. He was hurting his hand with his own claws. "Are you okay?" I asked but he just turned the corner and he was gone. I sighed and ran back to my class.

"Everything okay?" Allison asked me as I sat down and I nodded. The bell rang and we walked out of the class when I got a call from Scott. "I have practice until 5. I'll be at yours after that." He said and I answered "Okay. See you then." He hung up and I walked up the stairs, Lydia and Allison following.

"Scott's coming over? Tonight?" Allison asked so I nodded, blushing and getting butterflies in my stomach. "We're just studying together." I answered after seeing Lydias look. "Just studying never ends with just studying. It's like - Getting into a hot tub - Somebody eventually cops a feel." She exclaimed so Allison and I laughed shaking our heads. "Well, so what are you saying?" I asked. "I'm just saying, you know, make sure he covers up." I looked at her confused and she sighed. "Hello, do it with him with a condom." She demanded and my eyebrows shot up. "Are you kidding? After one date?" I questioned, looking at Allison for help but she just shrugged. "Don't be a total prude. Give him a little taste." Lydia said.

"Well, I - I mean, how much is a little taste?" I stuttered. "You really like him, don't you?" Allison asked gushing a bit and I nodded. "Well - He's just different. Can't explain it." I fiddled with my fingers and they smiled. "I can. It's your brain flooding with phenylethylamine." Lydia spoke.

Teen Wolf Season 1 // Scott McCall FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now