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"Go home. Both of you." Derek left the long term care hospital with Peter and I helped Stiles up. "Thank god you didn't get involved." He said as we walk to his Jeep. "They have security cameras in there Stiles." I stopped and we quickly ran back inside to delete everything and destroy the cameras. "Can you take me home please?" I asked Stiles and he nodded.

"Bye." I waved and walked into my house. "Lucia!" I looked down and couldn't help but smile as Elliot came running towards me. I scooped him up into my arms and tickled his sides, finally hearing his adorable laugh again. "So you're okay now?" I asked kneeling down to put him back on the ground. He nodded and sat on my knee as I was still squatted down.

My Dad walked in and Elliot ran towards him as my Mother turned down the TV. "Hey buddy." My Dad laughed, picking Elliot up and booping his nose. Elliot smiled and snuggled his head into my fathers neck. "Where were you?" My Mum asked me as I sat next to her. "Oh I was just out with Scott, Stiles and D-" I froze and my Dad's head shot away from Elliot and to me as he walked into the living room. "Derek?" He asked and I acted shocked. "What?! No! Dad. I wanted to say Danny but I choked." I lied. My Dad eyed me before smiling and stroking my hair. "I'm sorry sweetheart I just don't want you to get hurt." I smiled and nodded "It's okay dad." I breathed out as he stood up and took Elliot into the back yard. "So Elliot's okay?" I asked my mum and she smiled "Yeah he's fine." I nodded and watched the cooking show with her.

"I think I'm going to take a nap. Scott, Stiles and Danny are tiring to look after." I joked, making my Mum chuckle so I quickly got up off the couch and went to bed.

I got woken by my phone ringing. "Hello?" I answered and I could hear Stiles talking "Come outside now!" He yelled so I quickly got up. "I forgot something at Stiles's sorry. I'll be home later!" I ran down the stairs and noticed that it was getting dark. "When did I see you last?" I asked Stiles and he gave me a look, speeding down the street. "Yesterday why?" My eyebrows shot up in surprise "Wow...I slept for quite a while then. Where are we going?" I asked as he stopped at Scott's house. I glared at Stiles and he apologised as Scott climbed over me and into the backseat. "Go! Go! Go!" Scott rushed and we sped down the road.

"What the heck is going on?!" I shouted over the wind that was finding it's way into the Jeep. "You'll see!" Stiles called back as he slowed down and rammed the parked car at the side of the road. I gasped and glared at my cousin. "What the heck?!" I cursed but froze when Scott's Mum got out of the car.

"Oh, are you kidding me? Stiles!" She waved her arms around and my stomach twisted as Peter Hale got out of the car with a smirk. "Mrs. McCall?" Stiles asked, acting surprised. "Yes!" She shouted and I was a tiny bit scared and Scott was gone. "Wow, this is - this is just crazy. What a coincidence, huh?" Stiles joked, receiving a glare from Melissa as we both got out of the Jeep. "Ha ha" She responded sarcastically.

"Nicely done, Scott. Nicely done." I heard Peter whisper but he had his eyes fixated on me. "I mean - I do not know what happened. You guys just came out of nowhere." Stiles told Melissa and I cringed at the lame lie. "Came out of nowhere! We were parked on the side of the road, Stiles." Melissa sighed and stemmed her hands on her hips. "How crazy is that? I mean, we should probably call the cops, you know, do like an accident report thing." Stiles tried to stall some time.

"I don't think that's necessary." Peter smiled and I panicked. "Are you sure? I think I'm feeling a little whiplash." I had to try really hard not to giggle though. "Whiplash? You hit us!" Melissa yelled in outrage as other drivers came to check. "I don't know - there's something definitely wrong with my neck." Stiles rubbed his neck and we shared a glance. "I know you're there, Scott, and I'm impressed. It's too bad most teenagers aren't that smart. It's like that one on the lacrosse team - Jackson. Thinks he knows all about us. You know how they say knowledge is power. Not in his case." Peter whispered and my heart beat accelerated, causing him to smirk at me making me gulp.

Next thing I knew Scott was running off into the direction of Derek's house. "This is ridiculous." Melissa cursed as Stiles tried to convince her that something was wrong with his neck. I kept backing away from Peter who was slowly walking towards me. "Hello there." I turned around and found him standing right in front of me. "You're Scott's girlfriend right?" He asked and I shook my head "I broke up with him." I croaked out and Peter hmmed.

I nodded and he gave me a 'sweet' smiled, letting his finger draw out my jaw line. I felt his claw scratch me and draw blood so I pulled back but he watched the scratch heal. "You're the one I bit in front of the other Stilinski household" He chuckled and I nodded when I heard an ambulance arriving. Peter took his hand away and joined Melissa, trying to calm her down. My Dad got out of a police car and rushed towards us. "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded so he turned to Stiles. "What about you?" He asked as the Sheriff asked Melissa and Peter a few questions.

The police soon left and so Peter took Melissa back home, saying that the Restaurant was closed now and that they'd have to reschedule. He then smirked at me and got into the car. I shivered and turned to Stiles "How much did I miss?" I asked and he made an unsure face before making actual eye contact. "Too much. Come on get in the Jeep. I'll tell you on the way home." I nodded and we both got into the Jeep. "Well Scott met Peter today after practice and Peter showed Scott how he killed Laura. Then uhm..oh yeah! Chris Argent thinks that Jackson is the second beta and not Scott so he's in danger. Scott and Jackson nearly trashed my Jeep after Scott and I saved him. Yeah that's pretty much it." He finished off and I nodded "Sounds like I really did miss a lot." I muttered and leaned my head on the Jeep's window.

Stiles stopped in front of my house and I jumped out to go back to my bed. I was incredibly tired for absolutely no reason.

Teen Wolf Season 1 // Scott McCall FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now