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*Watch the video at the end*

"You're coming with me. Now." I looked up from my bed to find Derek standing at the window in his leather jacket. "But get changed into something all black. Scott and Stiles are going to help us and first we're going to the school. Get changed and I'll explain the rest." He commanded so out of instinct I got up and walked to my closet.

"Is this okay?" I asked Derek as I walked out of my bathroom. "Can you run in those shoes?" He asked pointing at my boots so I sighed and got my Nike running shoes. "Is this going to get me in-" I was interrupted by someone knocking on my door. "Lucia I need to leave. My shift is starting soon." I rushed to the door and opened it for my Dad "Okay bye." I smiled and kissed his cheek before helping Derek out of my closet.

"The Alpha is probably going to be at the school so we're going there now. The Argents will be there as well so yes it will probably get you into trouble." Derek checked to see if my Dad had gone before jumping out of the window, me following suit. We ran through the woods to the school. Derek led me through the hallway and I could smell the Alpha and I could hear him talking to Mr. Harris.

"Get down!" Derek shouted as the Police's headlights shone through the windows. "This is the police. You're surrounded. No one leave the building." The police announced, so Derek and I ran out of the school and of course the cops recognized Derek and started following us. My Dad was right behind us with the sheriff "Keep running." I told myself as I easily kept up wit Derek. "Repeat, suspect is on foot. We're in pursuit, heading northwest." My uncle spoke to the other drivers and I swore under my breath. Derek and I ran around a narrow corner and the police got their dogs run after us. "Come on, get the dogs." My uncle demanded so the dogs came running after us until Derek turned around and roared at them. They ran in the other direction whimpering. "What the hell?" I heard my Dad's confused voice say. Again Derek started running to some Iron work place. "Cover your eyes!" Derek warned me as Chris Argent shot some kind of bows at us. I didn't react quick enough so the next thing I knew was that I could only see white "What's going on?" I asked and someone took my hand and pulled me somewhere. My vision finally came back and Derek was huddling over me, protecting me from t he arrows.

A black car pulled up and Stiles head popped out. "Get in." He climbed to ths back seat and I followed him as Derek sat in front next to Scott. "What part of laying low don't you understand? And what the hell is she doing here? Are you trying to get her killed?" Scott threw Derek an accusing look. "Damn it, we had him!" Derek hit the board inside of the car. "Who, the Alpha?" Stiles asked with huge eyes. "Yes! He was right in front of us, and the friggin' police showed up." Derek cursed as Scott stepped on the gas pedal.

"Whoa, hey, they're just doing their jobs -" Stiles defended his Dad. "Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state." Derek glared at Scott. "Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake. I get it." Scott complained. "All right. How did you find him?" Stiles leaned even further forward and Derek shook his head/rolled his eyes. "Can you try to trust us for at least half a second?" Scott asked impatiently. "Yeah, the three of us." Stiles muttered but then saw Dereks expression and pulled away. "Or just him. I'll be back here." He leaned back and gave me a look to which I shrugged.

"Look the last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris." Stiles jumped forwards again with a shocked expression. "Our chemistry teacher?" He asked and Derek just glared at him. "Why him?" Scott asked, glancing at me through the rear view mirror but I shrugged. "I don't know yet." Derek let out a frustrated sigh. "What's the second?" Scott asked and Derek started fumbling around in his pocket to get something out. "Some kind of symbol." He showed us the piece of paper and I clenched my jaw, Scott looked uneasy and Derek noticed. "What? You know what this is?" He questioned us and I nodded.

Teen Wolf Season 1 // Scott McCall FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now