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*Picture of Lucia's Dad*

I opened my bedroom window as soon as my parents took Elliot to an event from his pre-school. They would be away for about 2 hours. Scott came through my window and immediately wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck and shoulder.

He lay on top of me on my bed and played with the hem of my shirt, unsure if he should take it off or not. "Take it off." I told him, lifting my upper body against his. "You're okay with that?" He asked and I looked him in the eye. "Are you okay with it?" I asked seriously. "You're asking me if I'm okay with taking off your clothes?" Scott chuckled and I giggled. "Stupid question." I laughed and Scott agreed. "Like, world record stupid." Scott laughed before returning to making out with me. "You first." I breathed out and just as he went to take his shirt off someone knocked on my door. "Just a second." I shouted, fixing my shirt and bra before pushing Scott into my closet. "Lucia" My Mum knocked again and I rushed to make my bed. "Uh, coming. Coming. Okay, uh." I opened the door and stayed in front of it.

"Hey." I smiled ans she looked at me suspiciously. "Hey." She laughed. What are you up to? Your father stayed with Elliot, I was worried about you." She smiled. "Uh, nothing. Just doing homework, sending some emails." I smiled. "Emailing the boyfriend Scott?" She teased and I shook my head. "No. I'm emailing Danny my homework so he can check over it." I showed her my screen and she nodded. "Who is Danny again?" She asked, sitting down on my bed behind me. "Uh he's Jacksons best friend. He's the gay really nice one." My Mum nodded and got up again. "Help me make dinner?" She walked out the door and I followed her, signaling Scott to leave.

"I forgot something in your car. I'll go and get it real quick ok?" I ran outside but Scott was gone. I thought that maybe he'd be around the corner. I jogged around the corner but I didn't see anyone at all. No lights were on in any of the houses and I go really nervous. There was a growl next to me and I froze completely I couldn't move and the next thing I knew was that my thigh was being bitten and I fell to the floor.

"Lucia?" My mother called and I quickly got up, hobbling back to the house. "I'm fine. I just really need to pee." I forced a giggle and rushed upstairs to the bathroom to clean my wound. I closed the door and peeled my jeans off. I looked at the bite mark and sighed. "Fuck!" I swore as I poured some alcohol over it to clean it.

"Lucia are you okay in there?" My mum knocked on the door and I threw my pants into the hamper before stepping into the shower "I'm going to shower okay? I stink." I turned the shower on after taking all of my clothes off. I hissed everytime the hot water hit my wound.

I need to go to Dereks, I decided. But how? I can't hobble past my Mum and especially not past my Dad. I sighed as I rubbed the shampoo in. If my wound doesn't heal I'll die...I was worrying so much that I accidently got shampoo in my eye. I stepped out of the shower after scrubbing my face and arms and stomach and just everything except for my left upper thigh. I dried my body and put a bandage over my thigh. I quickly got changed into my comfy evening clothes.

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Teen Wolf Season 1 // Scott McCall FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now