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Lucia's POV

Stiles picked me up and we drove to school together, where we met up with Scott. At Lunch I sat with Lydia, Jackson and Allison but my eyes were glued to Scott and Stiles who were discussing something. "So how's it going with you and Lover boy?" Allison asked winking at me. "Don't know." I explained. Allison nodded before eating her apple.

I walked up the steps to sit at the top of the bleachers to watch the boys practice Lacrosse. Scott wasn't doing very well making me furrow my eyebrows and share a glance with stiles who shrugged.

"My grandmother can move faster than that. And she's dead. You think you can move faster than the - lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?" Coach shouted at Scott and Scott nodded "Yes, coach." He answered.

"I can't hear you." Coach provoked. "Yes, coach!" Scott answered loudly. "Then do it again. McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again! Let's go!" Scott started running towards Jackson as I watched closely. I gasped as Jackson fell to the floor and Scott crouched down.

I quickly got up and helped Scott up with the Help of Stiles before taking him to the locker rooms. "Scott, you okay?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder but he literally growled at me. "Get away from me!" He shouted so Stiles and I ran around the locker room like headless chicken. "Lucia get over her quickly!" Stiles yelled so I ran and stood behind him whilst he shot Scott with fire extinguisher. Stiles and I quickly left the locker room, pressing our backs against the other side of the wall.

"Stiles - Lucia? What happened?" Scott's voice sounded so small and scared. "You tried to kill us. It's like I told you before. It's the anger. It's your pulse rising. It's a trigger." Stiles explained as I sat next to Scott on the bench. "But that's lacrosse. It's a pretty violent game, if you hadn't noticed." Scott added. "It's gonna be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field. You can't play Saturday. You're gonna have to get out of the game." I told Scott, carefully placing my hand on his knee. "I'm first line." Scott looked at me and I looked at my lap.
"Not anymore." Stiles stated before getting up, as the rest of the team entered the locker room so I quickly left.

I walked inside the school and up to my locker where I found my blazer that I had forgotten in Dereks car on Friday Night. I looked around, my heart racing when the bell rang and I jumped before laughing at myself and shaking my head.

"Where did you get that?" Scott aske me after running into me. "My jacket? It was in my locker. I think Lydia brought it back from the party. She has my combination" I lied, knowing damn right that it must have been Derek. "Did she say she brought it back or did somebody give her the jacket?" Scott asked and I realised that he knew what I was thinking. "Like who?" I played dumb. "Like Derek." Scott answered annoyed.

"Your friend?" I challenged as Scott ran his fingers through his hair. "He's not my friend. How much did you talk to him when he drove you home?" He questioned me and I sighed. "Mmm, not much at all." I answered getting weirded out by Scott. "What did you say?" Scott asked stepping closer, I stepped back and pointed to the classroom "I - gotta get to class." I said before walking off.

After School I met up with Scott and Stiles at Dereks "house".

"Wait, something's different." Scott told us as he stopped. "Different how?" I asked curiously, looking around but only seeing a pile of dirt at the side of the house. "I don't know. Let's just get this over with." Scott replied. I took a shovel and we all started digging. "This is taking way too long." Scott stated before grunting and shoveling harder and faster. "Just keep going." Stiles grunted as I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. "What if he comes back?" I asked looking around me and checking if I could hear a car approaching.

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