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"Where are you going?" Scott shouted after me but I kept on sprinting, tracing Derek by smell. Scott and I broke into the vault kind of thing and got Derek out of there. We all ran towards Derek's house until he stopped. "Hey. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Something doesn't feel right." Derek mumbled and I agreed. "What do you mean?" Scott asked, looking around. "I don't know. It's - it's kind of like it's -" Derek stammered but Scott interrupted him. "No, don't say too easy. People say too easy and bad things happen. What, do you think finding you was easy? Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this has been easy." Scott complained.

"Fine. You're right." Derek gave in and Scott thanked him. "Thank you.". Suddenly Derek fell to the ground, an arrow stuck in his shoulder. "Now the leg. Flash bolt." Kate shouted at Allison. "Your eyes!" Derek warned us but it was too late and I couldn't see anything. "Now." Kate demanded as Derek pulled me up. "Get up! Let's go!" He tried to save us but Allison had shot him so that he couldn't move any further. "Natural talent." Kate praised her niece as I stood frozen. "Scott, Lucia, go!" Derek yelled at us but I needed to sort this with Allison. "Allison, I can explain." I tried to say but she shook her head. "Stop lying. For once stop lying." She yelled and I sighed. "Thank God. Now, shoot them before I have to shoot myself." Kate groaned and my eyes widened.

"You - you said we were just gonna catch them?" Allison stuttered and I growled. "We did that. Now we're gonna kill them." She shot Derek and I yelped. "See? Not that hard. Oh, no - I know that look. That's the you're gonna have to do it yourself look." Kate mocked her niece and I looked at her in disgust. "Kate, Kate, what are you doing?" Allison asked as Kate held the gun to Scott's head. I wanted to do something but I couldn't. "I love those brown eyes." Kate snickered.

"Kate! I know what you did. Put the gun down." Allison's Dad pointed a gun at Kate. "I did what I was told to do." Kate spoke innocently. "No one asked you to murder innocent people. Not twice" He looked at me with sorrow eyes and I furrowed my eyebrows. "There we children in that house, ones who were human. And there is a child in the one that you just burned! The parents were inncoent and human. Look what you're doing now. You're holding a gun at a 16 - year - old boy with no proof he spilled human blood. We go by the code - Nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent." Chris shouted. "We hunt those who hunt us." Kate argued and Chris held the gun to her head and stepped closer.

"Put the gun down. Before I put you down." Chris warned. The door of Derek's house opened and I felt the presence of the Aloha. "Allison, get back." Chris told his daughter. "What is it?" Allison asked, obviously scared. "It's the Alpha." I whispered as People around me were knocked over, all except Kate. "Come on! Come on!" She screamed before Peter dragged her into the house, Allison following. Scott and I ran into the house to find Peter with his claws near Kate's neck. I didn't even feel bad. The next thing I knew Kate was on the floor, dead. Allison's breath hitched as Scott and I kneeled down in front of her. "Run!" Scott shouted at her and she ran out of the house.

"Oh, damn." I heard Stiles whispered as he arrived with Jackson. The Alpha was about to attack me when Scott pulled me away. He kneeled down and I kneeled next to him and tilted his head to me. I kissed him as we both shifted into human form. "Why did you do that?" He asked and I smiled, "Because I love you." His eyes lit up and so did Peter, literally. Someone set fire to him and Jackson threw his whisky bottle at him.

Peter fell to the ground and Derek sat on him. "Wait! You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. Derek. If you do this, I'm dead." Scott shouted and Derek looked between Scott and Peter. "You've - already - decided. I can smell it on you!" Peter muttered. "Wait! No, no! Don't!" I shouted but it was too late, Derek slashed Peter's throat. "I'm the Alpha now." Derek shouted and I roared at him. I tried to attack him but Scott stopped me.

"We should all go home." Chris whispered as Allison helped him up. I sighed and stomped out of the woods whilst Scott and Stiles went to visit Lydia at the hospital. I could hear someone following me.

I exited the woods and started walking home, my house was about 7 blocks away.

My cuts and bruises from the arrows and Peter were healing but they still hurt a tiny bit. I sniffed some more and got the scent of something and someone burning, my heart beat sped up as my werewolf ears picked up screaming and a cry that was awfully familiar. My legs started running and my instincts were becoming stronger. My ears shifted, making the noises sound a lot louder but clearer, my claws were ready to tear apart anyone and anything that came in my way and my K9 fangs were ready to do the same as my claws. I arrived at my house and froze. It was in flames whilst my uncle held a crying Elliot, trying to get Elliot to look somewhere else. I sprinted to the house but someone knocked me off my feet and to the ground.

I struggled to get up and looked at the person who had knocked me over. I froze and looked at Derek. "What the hell?!" I growled trying to push him off of me. He glared down at me. "They'll see you!" He shouted at me and I calmed down, looking to my side and up a hill, I saw someone that I hadn't seen for about 4 years. He was looking down at the house and at everyone around us.

"Is that their tradition?" I cried, looking at Derek

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"Is that their tradition?" I cried, looking at Derek. His face softened and he gave me a hug. I cried into his chest until I heard two feet landing on the ground behind us. I pulled away and turned around to glare at Jack. "What do you want?! You didn't care 4 years ago so why would you care now?" I shouted at him, tears leaving my eyes as I wiped them away furiously. Derek stood behind me, growling at Jack.

"You think I wanted to leave?! I had to! To save you and our parents!" He yelled back and stepped towards me. I shifted before Derek could stop me and to my surprise Jack looked back at me with glowing red eyes. I cowardly backed away as Derek stepped forward, grabbed Jack and pulled him behind a corner as I quickly followed so they wouldn't kill each other. It was Alpha vs Alpha and it was terrifying. Jack was almost tearing Derek apart so I stepped between them, getting a few scratches until Jack stopped. "Get out of the way." He growled but I shook my head and stayed put until I heard Elliot's cries again.

My head shot up and I looked to my right just as Stiles' Jeep drove up to the scene. I sighed and rushed to Elliot to pick him up. He held onto my neck and buried his face in my chest. I closed my eyes to prevent any tears from falling but I lost it when Stiles hugged me and Elliot. Stiles had tears in his eyes and so did his Dad.

Jack walked up to us and we had a family hug. I only accepted it because of Elliot. Derek watched us from a hidden spot.

Teen Wolf Season 1 // Scott McCall FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now