[GMTM] How will you meet EXO?

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requested by: lovelyhellfire

You met him __________"  


Jan - at a carnival
Feb - in a dark alley 
Mar - at a transportation
Apr - at a dangerous place
May - in the beach
Jun - accidentally out of nowhere
Jul - in the hospital
Aug - in the airport
Sept - in the cinema
Oct - upon going home
Nov - when you accidentally hit him
Dec - barenaked

Last digit of your phone #: 

0 - because you're high and stoned
1 - because a killer clown is chasing you

2 - because you're about to become a power ranger

3 - because you really need to go to the bathroom

4 - because you're sooooo beautiful
5 - because you're jogging, sweating and smells like human
6 - because you finally escaped the mental asylum
7 - because DASI RUN RUN RUN
8 - because you saw him coming
9 - because you're fab

Color of the shirt that you're wearing:

Red - then you keep laughing like a retard.
Orange - then they smiled.
Yellow - then you all turned up.
Green - then they asked for your number.
Blue - then they treated you ice cream.
Violet - then they asked you to leave.
Pink - then they kissed you.
Black - then they all run away.
White - then they performed their sexy dances.
Gray - then they didn't give a fuck.
Stripes - then they brought you to Seoul with them.
Others - then they fell in love with you.

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