Too Deep?

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'Violet? Hello, it's Harvey. Ditch whatever you're doing and come over here. We've got a lead on the Ghost.' Announces the voice of the cynical cop through the earpiece of my flip-phone.
'Excellent.' I reply, feeling truly like some kind of 007. (A 007 who still had no clue how or why she was now working with the GCPD...)

When I manage to drag my tired body to the precinct, Harvey Bullock and James Gordon are already busy waiting for me. However, another man; tall and skinny; stands in between them - holding a bag of bloodied material that I really hoped was evidence rather than lunch.

'Hello Violet.' Smiles Jim. 'This is Richard Bloom. He has our lead.' Jim gestures to the slender man in between him and his partner.

Bloom had pallid skin and scarily long arms. He wore a black suit complete with red tie and sunflower in his pocket. His hairless head's blue eyes burnt into my skull. Excellent, this was the sort of man that I can imagine luring children into the woods and then eating them in a mass of tentacles.

He had a plastic bag with a bloodied instrument inside it - an instrument that was the pendulum of a grandfather clock - and he also had a smile on his tiny face as he peered down at me and shakes my hand.
'Hello girl. I have this for your case. I found it in the bins outside my house.' Says he in a scarily smooth voice.

At this, I look to Harvey with a glare of 'there is no way that this guy didn't do this' - but Harvey doesn't seem to understand my uniquely applied and tuned glare.
'Screw it.' I think, and then turn back to Bloom and look up at him like a young girl about to be kidnapped into the woods where some poor sod will have to follow little post-it notes to find her... I'm getting slightly sidetracked with the metaphors here, aren't I?
'Richard. Can I call you Dick?' I sarcastically ask, trying to regain my warmth around this exceptionally cold person.

'No.' He replies with never a hint of a smile.

Finally, Jim turns and leads Bloom out of the building - handing his evidence to a delighted Nygma on the way out. Eddie looks like a kid on Christmas Day, who'd just received a pile of golden doubloons or whatever.

I thud down onto a barely-cushioned chair, and clutch my shoulders. I realise that Bloom actually scares me, and I hope to myself that I never see that creep again.
'Hello girl' - If that didn't scream 'Stalker' I don't know what does...

'Ed...' I begin, clutching the strange little man by the shoulders. He turns around, practically twirling on his heels, and smiles at me.
'Yes Ms Paige?' He grins.
'Could we check the fingerprints on that thing. Look for this one in particular.' While saying that I take a stamp of the ink that I'd been able to put on my hands to take Bloom's prints.

'Why?' He (still) smiles, and wiggles one eyebrow.
'Just a hunch.' I skulk back onto my seat and take a look at the organised chaos swarming around the precinct today.

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