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Upon a singular step out into the cold streets of Gotham, the same pain that was sent through my body by the bullet strikes me almost immediately again.
I pant and gasp - and then realise that I'm going to pass out - and the farther away I am from the junkie house, the better.

With a groan of barely-numbed burning, I hobble and drag my limping body along the street. However, soon I find myself kissing the pavement; and my vision fades to a miserable black.

I wake with a start, and find myself in exactly the same bed with exactly the same Ivy stood over me, tutting like I'm a naughty schoolchild. My head pulses, and I jolt upwards at her - ignoring the pain just to swipe a fist at the horrid child.
Selina is lounging at the end of my bed, and says 'Guess you just couldn't keep away!' jovially.
I growl briefly, but then fall backwards into the bed, and gesture to Cobalt to share some of that chocolate bar with me.
Munching on a honeycomb thing, I ask them how long I was 'out'. Kyle tells me that I was only asleep for roughly 3 minutes, because Donna found me on the street. Selina slowly starts to say something else - though then dwindles off...
'What was that?' I ask, gripping the honeycomb; and accidentally crushing it.
'Yeah... Donna went out looking for whoever did this to you. She seemed drunk.' Sighed Selina, and wincing at my (obviously extremely adverse) reaction to this news.

Belladonna's heart thumped in her chest, and she clutched a kitchen knife with white knuckles and a strangely misplaced grin on her lips. The slight scent of thee nightshade flower behind her ear masked the stench of sweat on her brow. She surveyed the grimy urban jungle that comprised the suburbs of Gotham - looking for a man with pink hair and another one covered in watches. This shouldn't be hard.

Surrounding Jim Gordon's house; a bank of cold, ghostly-white fog rolled up from the concrete depths - and slowly claimed the air outside of the window that a rather-worried Cobalt was staring from.
'Guys?' He started. 'There's a load of scary fog out there..' He continued to gently notify the denizens of the house that the fog seemed to be especially targeting.
Seemingly predicting what was about to happen, Cobalt jumped backwards away from the window when the sound of cruel, revving engines filled his ears.
'Oh shit.' He whispered, practically hiding behind a just-as-scared Selina.

Donna, however, was practically on the other side of the city by now; and was perched just atop the Blackfire Cathedral. It was here that she finally found her targets....
Unsurprisingly (seeing as they were corrupt men in Gotham), Flamingo was waiting on Tockman as he chatted animatedly to some prostitute of some variety.
For just a minute longer, Donna hung there - calculating how long it would take Flamingo to move into a fighting stance that could pose a threat to her. If she struck quickly she could kill Tockman before he was even able to think 'oh crap I'm dying'.

Panting on the bed, I stare at Selina. 'What's happening? Why is everyone so scared of the fog?' I ask frenziedly. Ivy had knocked over one of her bongs and it had done something... undesirable to the air around me. I, at least, could hear the panicking children around me.
'The fog... it isn't good...' Was all that was vaguely legible from the depths of the smog that I realised wasn't from Ivy's contraptions.

This was a gas attack.

Throwing the covers over my mouth and nose, I look around in the whiteout, and try to find the door to the building. A figure walks slowly out of the mist towards me - and then grabs me by the face and looks me in the eyes.
At first she looked like my mother, but then her skin fell off and she introduced herself as 'Jane'. Another woman in a leather mask prances out beside Jane, and smiles at me with a large knife pointed at my throat. I scream, but nothing comes out.

'Holy shit!' I hear from behind me, and then breath out when a broadsword (that was presumably taken from a decoration on Gordon's wall) slices through the apparitions, and then a black tarpaulin is thrown over me.

I gasp when I regain consciousness, and find Donna (back from a killing spree) staring at me. My hands and clothes are covered in black sludge - and Donna opens her mouth to speak.
'Did you like the Ghost?'

Gotham: Panic AttackWhere stories live. Discover now