Old Enough to say 'Nope'

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The man barely had enough time to start screaming and begging before the chair that he was strapped to was physically kicked off the roof. Jack Ryder grinned victoriously as the noose attached to his ex-employer's neck went taught, and the fresh corpse sat and stared into the windows of the GCPD.
My eyes widen, and I press myself back into my seat when the body thumps down into my field of view behind the window. With an expression of purified terror, I point and stammer at the sight.
'Does anyone else see... that?' I stutter.
'What? Oh holy crap!' Replies Harvey, catching view of the dead body halfway through his sentence. Grabbing a radio practically as soon as he'd finished saying this - Harvey yelled into the comms and ordered a squad to find and surround whoever was on the roof.

Five police officers frogmarch themselves up onto the roof, laser pointers attached to guns attached to them parade up the steps like a ghastly parade, and they all stare around the macabre scenery of this very deliberate hanging.
'Have you spotted me yet?' Laughs a voice from behind them, and two of the five officers swivel to ogle at the voice's origin point.
A completely empty shadow.
'He's in the shadows. Flashlights on the walls, people.' Announces commander Redson, raising his fist to signal his men.
Redson gasps as a brick careers into his forehead, and then promptly stops gasping as his brains spill onto the floor.
'Shit!' Collectively screams the rest of the force on the roof.
Using the brick's force as ballast, Creeper leaps from the wall and wraps his legs around another one of the cop's face. With a satisfying crack, the police officer drops dead.
The bullets fly like flaming birds, past Jack's laughing face. His wild green hair swirls and shifts around the roof, as he lands his talons into the eyes of his third victim.
Several projectiles slam into Creeper's chest, and with a spray of blackish blood he stammers backwards. Then he starts laughing. And continues to do so for far too long. Wrenching his hands out of the person's eyes - he flips over their head; breaking their neck in the process.
His bare feet thump onto the chest of the penultimate officer, and he spits his venomous laughter into their quivering face. Miming a Glasgow-smile, Creeper grabs his cheeks and inserts a hand down the soon-to-be-cadaver's throat.

The last cop is silent in horror, and makes a last ditch attempt to get back under the trapdoor into the precinct. 'Smile!' Cackles Jack, slowly moonwalking up behind the person, and slowly walks his claws up the trembling man's back.
'Nononono...' Was this person's last word as he was grabbed and smashed straight through the floor. His body thuds onto the cold floor of the precinct.
'Well you got your wish!' Shrugs the Creeper.
Landing on top of the dead man, and brushing a bloodied hand through his green hair - Creeper announces his crusade to the GCPD:
'I'm here for Violet!' He giggles.

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