O N E - a new roommate.

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The world is cruel

And surely the most horrid creatures invented were none other then







And stupid

You know who I'm referring to right?

Yep that's right


Twitch as the clock ticks. Tocks. Then ticks again. Tick tock tick. Everyday, it drives me insane, well I'm already insane so never mind. It drives me beyond insanity. All I hear for hours inside the cold dark room that is my permanent residence. Twitch again. So numb, so cold. I want to laugh but I lost my voice from lack of water and my earlier sessions of insane and manic laughing. So I continue twitching in the company of no one other then my insanity. Tick, tock. I wanna rip that clock to shreds. But this damn strait jacket restricts me from even scratching my sides. I continue to sit on the cold ground, cross legged and upright. Not slouched.

Distant noises of chains rattling and the hinges of doors creaking sounds in the distance. Tick... Tock. I want to scream so bad at that damn clock. I glare at it and my twitches get more rapid. Finally the distant footsteps approach my cell. No one opens the door, unless it's to use their human experiments. They learnt the hard way when it came to me. A gruff voice sounded, "better eat quick or there's no food," it said as a plate of mush was pushed through the one sided impenetrable trapdoor at the bottom of the big door. Then the man on the other side pulled a lever and my shackles were released, as well as my wrists from the strait jacket. Only temporarily though. Rather then heading for the plate I dashed for the clock only for the shackle around my ankle to come short before I could reach it. The guy chuckled watching from the door, then a glass of water was pushed through the door again. I watched it longingly. Before dashing over and ripping into the food and chugging the water. You can only starve yourself for so long before you learn hunger and thirst drive you to killing your roommates for their flesh.

He chuckled as he watched me chomp the meat, biting it in half instantly with the force I managed to always have, as well as the sharpness of my teeth, caused from their experiments. As soon as I was done a relieving growl ripped from my lips and I flew at the clock again. The clinking of my shackle was heard as it restricted me from reaching the insanity device. "You really hate that clock don't you?" He chuckled finding it amusing for me to be in pain. My head snapped his way, followed by a sickening crack from my neck. "Yes I hate that clock, I hate it a lot, but I must say... I HATE YOU MORE!" My voice cut off his chuckling and I burned every word I spoke into his soul, encarving it there permanently. His face showed amusement and I lunged at the clock again, knowing it was my only opportunity to get rid of it. Attacking him would be useless. He laughed again but this time I couldn't stop myself. I lunged at the door ramming it hard with my body. His laughing ceased and his brow furrowed. He glared at me, smirking as he pulled the lever back down putting my restraints back on and my straight jacket tightened as my arms were once again wrapped around me.

I let out a low growl, twitching crazily as the clock kept taunting me. I listened as his footsteps faded down the hall and closed my eyes. Sitting back down on the cold ground as the beds were just as uncomfortable. I closed my eyes and let time pass, all the while listening to the clock, tick, tock, tick. I screamed at it. I couldn't help it. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID TICKING FUCK OF A CLOCK!" No doubt the others heard me as these walls aren't sound proof, in fact I probably woke some, but no one dared say a thing unless they want to be ripped to shreds or yelled abuse at until they kill them selves.

I'm not like you (reader x Eyeless Jack) {ON HOLD}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora