E I G H T - let the shadows embrace you.

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Well that escalated quickly.

~flash back~

I was sitting on the couch drawing in my sketch book when Masky and Toby started a full fledged fight. They started throwing things about the place, pots, vases, anything and they were smashing everywhere. I rolled my eyes and secretly caught a vase with a tentacle before it hit me. Slender is out this morning trusting the house (secretly) with me, *cough cough* I mean his proxies *wink wink nudge nudge*. I tsked and retracted it before quickly exiting the room. I pressed my self against the wall near the doorway.


I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I put my stuff in a surprised Jeff's arms before dashing back in the room. I ducked before the TV remote hit me. I caught it with a tentacle before quickly retracting it. Masky and Toby are too focussed on the fight to notice. I sighed and grabbed my knifes. I aimed and... Bullseye. Masky was pinned to the wall. I jumped on Toby to stop the impending attack on Masky as he thrashed around. Toby squirmed but I had him pinned. "Guys..." I breathed. "What!" They snapped. A low growl resonated in my throat. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND CLEAN THIS MESS!" I yelled pointing at the lounge room. I got off Toby and yanked my knives out of the wall, freeing Masky. They grumbled but listened. We all turned our heads when we hear clapping from the hall doorway. An impressed Jeff stood there clapping. I rolled my eyes and yanked my stuff off him. "Thanks," I said and ruffled his hair before going to the art room to do some more peaceful drawing. It's been one day since the confrontation and everyone has seemed to warm up. Everyone in the room took individual time to apologise to me and I felt a lot better. I still preferred to spend my hours with Bloody painter though.

As I walked up the stairs my stomach growled. I should really go hunting, I had no breakfast. "Why don't you just eat already?" A whine came from behind me. Jane. I rolled my eyes. I ignored her and continued walking until I got to the art room. Bloody painter or BP, as I call him for short, was working on his painting of the forest. I snuck up behind him and waited until he was changing brushes or something, so I wouldn't wreck the painting, before wrapping my arms around his neck and saying "boo!" He chuckled and peeled my arms away. I grabbed a stool and brought it next to him. I grabbed a brush and leaned on him as I added little details. He didn't protest so I continued. This was as close as I could get. I know nothing about relationships but they do this right? No, I'm not in a relationship with him but I like him, I'm sure. It's probably a childish crush. He rested his left hand on my head and ran it through my hair. My face was burning up as I blushed heavily. We continued painting through all this. Then, of course someone had to ruin it. Someone cleared their throat from the door way and I quickly pulled back, he quickly retracted his hand too. We turned to see Hoodie in the doorway. "A uhh, 'special' guest came back with slender and he wants us all to go to our rooms until he leaves," he said. I quickly nodded. "Sorry," he squeaked and I blushed even heavier. Strawberries would be jealous of me I swear. "No no noo, it wasn't like that, it's ok, we'll go now!" I gushed rather quickly. Before slipping past Hoods and out the door, speed walking down the hallway. Then I turned around realising I went the wrong way, only to bump straight into BP. I blushed again. I tried to move around him but he grabbed my arm and dragged me to his room. I scrambled to get away, but failed.

I sat down on his bed with my hands in my lap while her rummaged through some draws. I was anxious thoughts ran through my head 100miles per hour. What's going on? What's he doing? What's he planning? I stared at the ground until something was thrown into my lap. A little canvas. Then he threw a pencil and a little acrylic paint set. He sat down on the bed in front of me. He took his mask off and I blushed. "Paint me," he said. I was a little stunned and hesitantly nodded. I started to draw him on the canvas, making sure not to miss anything or make mistakes. Finally the time to paint came. I looked around for a pallet. He was about to ask me why I stopped when I spotted one and hopped of his bed. I grabbed it and made my way back over. I swirled white, Mediterranean blue and navy together for his hair. It was a beautiful blend, like his hair. I spread it on the canvas. About half an hour later I was done. I sighed and put it up on his table along with the pencil, pallet and paints. I flopped onto the end of his bed and sighed. I took this as an opportunity to check out his room. Art supplies were stacked in several corners, his walls were a pale shadow of blue. His door was white with paintings on it. His bedside table was a little packed and he had medium blue bed sheets. Then I saw something I never thought I would see again. I gasped and pointed to it. It was positioned above his door. "What?" He asked following my finger. "The painting?" I nodded. He stood up and took it off the wall and handed it to me. I ran my finger over the familiar art work. A flower with blood dripping from its petals. I spent days on this. So this is the friend Jeff gave it too. I grinned under my mask. My signature wasn't on it because sometimes I don't sign them. "It's really nice, isn't it?" My eyes widened from the compliment he didn't know he was giving me. "It's so delicate and I like to look at it. It's my favourite painting that I own," he sighed. "I'm not sure who painted it, Jeff gave it too me for my birthday last year," my breath hitched in my throat from his words. "It's a shame, I'd like to tell them they are an amazing artist," he continued. "It's not that good," I said quietly but he still heard. He snatched the picture off me, "how dare you! It's amazing! Can't you ever compliment someone else?" I cowered at his words. "y-yeah," I barely managed to whisper. "I can-" "then why don't you?" He cut me off. "Because I know who made that," I gestured to the picture. Maybe it's better if he doesn't know it was me. "Really!? Who??" He gasped excitedly. I looked away. "Tell me!" He whined. I didn't meet his gaze and he grabbed my shoulders. I'm not good with physical unexpected contact, thanks to a fabulous nine and a half years in an asylum. The shackle collar clinked. In my surprise I grabbed his wrists off my shoulders, but... Not with my hands. A look of surprise, shock and I think it was disgust crossed his face. I quickly retracted my tentacles and let go. I stood up and turned to the door, resting my head against it. I closed my eyes and frowned. "It was me," I breathed out. " which part? The painting, the clink or the tentacles?" He asked looking around his bed. I turned to him and looking him dead in the eyes. "All of them," I said before jumping out his open window.

I'm not like you (reader x Eyeless Jack) {ON HOLD}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora