F O U R - my name.

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How long has it been since I was locked in the ice room for killing that woman?

Even though my ass is freezing off in here I like it better then my cell.


Well it's not because Jeff isn't here,

It's because I don't have to listen to the clock.

Every so often the door opens and someone is either shoved in here or....

Well their corpses are taken out.


Or at least what's left of their corpses.

I've kind of turned canibal


My bad.

Actually there's one girl who I haven't killed. Probably because she hasn't either whined, tried to talk to me or screamed because I murdered their buddies. In fact she didn't even look at me. I can't say the same for myself. I looked at her, I watched her breath as it came out in puffs of heat, like a dragon. I yawned, if I fall asleep I will die of hypothermia or something. So I did the usual cross legged stare at the door thing. A guy came in and took the girl out, so...

Now it was just me.

I started to draw pictures in the ice with my claws.  I unconsciously started drawing my past. Now I think about it, the only reason I'm probably alive is from eating their warm organs. Heh. Wait not my family's I mean the other people in the institute. I looked down and laughed when I realised I had drawn the time when I shot my mother. I yawned. They can't keep me here forever what the fuck. I got up and knocked on the door. A guard carefully opened it, when she saw it was me, her eyes widened. "Umm, can I please go to my cell now, I've been in here for a few to many hours," I asked trying not to rip her head of and get stuck in here longer. "How are you still alive?! I saw you get put in there yesterday," she squealed. "What?! Really? Wow..." I was getting sick of standing in the cold. "Well?" I asked her. "J-just wait a sec," she closed the door. I was not impressed, were they trying to kill me? Well, I wouldn't be surprised. Except I'm just their most successful experiment yet! I growled and sat down cross legged. After a good ten minutes the door opened. "Come on," a gruff voice said, "sorry forgot to collect yah yesterday," he chuckled. I blinked calmly and stared at him. He attached a chain to the one around my neck and cuffed my hands behind my back. He pulled me along.

When we got to the cell Jeff and I shared he shoved me inside and took the chain from around my neck off. Then he started taking my hand cuffs off. As soon as my hands were free I leapt on him. "FORGOT MY ASS, YOU WANTED ME DEAD YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled in his face wrapping my hands around his neck in a steely grip. We were half hanging out the door. "Well that's okay," I chuckled in a girly tone, "because... I want you dead too." My grip tightened, "the truth comes silently doesn't it?" There was a sickening snapping noise as I broke his neck. Blood sprayed all over the floor. My mouth broke out into a twisted grin. I bit into his neck and started drinking his blood. It had a sweet and sour taste to it. I looked around the cell until my eyes set on Jeff. He was crouching in a corner. Shaking.

"Are you okay?" I whispered. I heard a faint whisper. "Pardon?" He took a deep breath, "they poked things in my eyes," he croaked looking up with the reddest eyes I've ever seen. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing. "Well... Do you think we have a chance to check this place out? I've been waiting for my plan to work for ages," I held up the keys. He grinned.

We crept silently down the halls, I could hear the breathing of those other dumb losers stuck in here. Every time I heard footsteps I would signal to Jeff and we would hide in the dark. The only visible part of me would be my eyes because they seem to glow in the dark. Then the guard would see my eyes, scream and then die, due to one of us. Soon we made it to a big glass window. The night sky shone brilliantly and the tree tops were so luxurious and pretty. I started to tear up. "I-it's s-so pret-ty," I sniffed. Jeff looked at me weird. "I h-haven't seen th-the outside in so long," I breathed. Jeff smiled while nodding the put an arm around my shoulder.

I'm not like you (reader x Eyeless Jack) {ON HOLD}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora