T E N - Unintention.

83 3 5

**Eyeless Jack**

I've been thinking. Thinking a lot. I'm the type of person who thinks a lot, really considers their life choices.

I'm curious you see, because she has so many secrets. Silent truth just has so many! It irritates me that Jeff knows them. He told me some but not all. So far all I know is that, they met in the asylum, he wouldn't tell me how long she was there. Apparently she looks the way she does because the scientists would experiment on her. Apparently she hates clocks. You should see her face when she is around clockwork, it's a sight to see. I don't really know much else.

I sighed irritatedly before deciding to find some company. I get up and wonder out the door, aimlessly walking in different directions until I run into someone, that happened to be Jane who glared me down because I can get on with Silent better then her. I quickly turn and walk the other way.


There's honestly nothing I can do for the way people think of me or feel about me. I'm not changing to suit their needs. I don't wanna have to dress up like those slutty girls you see just to get attention. I sat in the lounge room making another doll. I kinda wish I had mind reading powers. That would be cool. I decided I hadn't painted in a while and headed up to the art room. Painter was in there, for some reason I didn't feel like getting all snugly today. Something just... Just seems off about him. He turned when I entered the room but he failed to make eye contact. I went over to my side and pulled the sliding wall shut. I started going through my old paintings.

I heard his chair slide back noisily across the floor boards. There was knocking at the wall and I quickly covered the art. I walked up to it and slid it back a bit and popped my head out. "Whasup?" I said casually. He looked a little confused but continued. "Umm.. Are you okay?" He asked. I was perfectly fine. I made a perfect sign with my hand by putting me thumb and pointer finger together and holding it up. "Dandy," I said. "Okay," he said. I closed the wall again but he didn't walk away so I stayed put as well. "Silent... I just, uh... I don't think I told you this but I have a girlfriend. It's not that your hinting or anything.. I just thought you should know because she comes back every so often and I didn't want you to be confused," he said. The wall made his voice a bit muffled, especially with the mask. I felt my heart plummet. I pulled the wall back so I could pop my head out again and said, "Kay!" I put my thumb up before yanking the wall back into place, harder then I meant to. Then I locked it there. I secured it with shadows and went back over to my canvases. I heard him walk back to his canvas before I heard a clacking noise and then more footsteps then the door shut. It sounds like he took his canvas with him.

I managed to make it to the door on my side of the room and lock it before collapsing to the ground. I leaned back against the door, shaking. I sat there blank faced, waiting for the depression to pass so I could cry. Sure enough my body started trembling again and tears welled up in my eyes and tipped down my cheeks. I removed my mask and pulled the hood up on the black hoodie I was wearing. My mask clattered to the ground and I buried my face into my knees as I cried softly. He just shut me down, hard, either oblivious to my feelings or he knew them. One or the other. As I cried, shadows dripped from the ceiling and rose through the floor like black ooze. It was slowly rising above my ankles and I laid in it, weeping. My mask was swallowed by the ooze of shadows and I slowly stopped making noise. Just letting silent tears make their way down my face.

At sometime I managed to cry myself to sleep.

Knocking woke me. The ooze of shadows melted away and I pushed myself back up, resting on my arms. My hood shadowed half of my face. I was somehow in the middle of my side of the room. I waited for them to knock again but instead the door handle turned. I'm sure I locked it. The door swung open and a familiar silhouette stood in the door way. Next thing I knew Jack was pointing his scalpel at me. I couldn't locate my mask for some reason. I started internally panicking. "Who are you?" He growled. I scooted back to the far end of the room and pulled my hood down more. I frantically looked around the room for my mask. "Answer me!" He growled louder. I couldn't, I lost my voice from crying for so long. So I growled back, flashing my pointed teeth. He pounced at me but I rolled out of the way. He hit the wall. Then brought his scalpel down on me again. This time I was more prepared and blocked it with one of my knives. He narrowed his empty eyes at me. "Where'd you get that?" He hissed. I pushed him off me. I couldn't help thinking, they're mine dumbass. But I couldn't talk. He came at me again and I dropped the knife accidentally then socked him in the chin, surprising him. I pinned him to the ground, keeping my weight on his pressure points. He hissed from under his mask. I tried to talk but my voice cracked. I quickly inspected the room again, no mask. Fuck. "Can't you talk?" He chuckled coldly. Shit, he's in killer mode. He threw me off him and into a wall, thankfully not destroying my paintings. I was quick though and pounced up and out the door. He was hot on my heels. I listened to his heavy steps and rough breathing. I quickly turned a corner and pinned myself to the ceiling with shadow strings. He stopped immediately and looked around. "You can't get away that fast.. You didn't run past me... So that means," he looked up and saw me. "Gotcha," I could hear the smirk in his voice. I released the strings and landed heavily on him. Unfortunately puncturing my arm in the process on his scalpel. I silently yelped before quickly reacting and rolling off him. I painfully pulled the scalpel out of my left arm, near my shoulder. He pounced on me and snatched it, trying to put it against my neck. I shoved him off and looked for shadows to hide in. He punched me in the arm, right where my cut was. I couldn't cry, or yell, or even whimper so I growled. I was now furious, it's not his fault but seriously. I jumped on him and punched him, knocking his mask off his face. It skidded along the ground and he hissed. I punched him over and over until he managed to push me off. I got to my feet and ran to my room while he was collecting his mask. I'm surprised my hood has managed to stay on this whole time. How riveting, I get my heart unintentionally broken then my friend unintentionally starts trying to kill me.

I'm not like you (reader x Eyeless Jack) {ON HOLD}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora