T W O - the truth comes silently, doesn't it?

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He watches me as I sleep.

Curious about my experiences.

Curious about the pain they've put me through.

I wish I was dead. If I was dead I wouldn't have to be here. I would be able to rest, without the clock. I wish I could rip every single one of them to pieces. I wish I could see the world again. All I've seen for years is the cell. Grey walls, big iron door. No visibility of the hall and the only light, a thin stream from outside where there is a tiny window.

Eventually he goes to sleep, and his thoughts are engulfed in the darkness of his dreams. His breathing is steady and calm as it syncs with mine. He sleeps with one arm over his eyes, shielding them as they are exposed to everything since he has no eyelids. His smile doesn't fade but it's clear he isn't actually smiling at the moment.

My sleep is restless, nightmares and memories of the past plague my head. I hate them, they never go away. Though I'm asleep, tears slip down my cheeks as I relive my worst moments of life. I don't know whether it's better to be awake or asleep.

After a few more hours the sun rises and slithers of sun light pour through the window. I just want to sleep today off. I prefer night, daylight hurts my eyes. After four more hours the sedation finally wears off and I wake up.

I hissed as the sun light got in my eyes and growled. Effectively waking my roommate. He also took his turn to scowl at the sunlight. I sat up in my cross legged position facing the door. My shackle clinked as I sat up. I was surprised to find the thin sheet from the bed wrapped around me and I shot Jeff a questioning look. He shrugged and yawned. I find yawns highly contagious so I ended up yawning too. I stretched out my tentacles, I must have left them out last night. I turned to look at him, he had a look of surprise painted onto his face. I'm sure he saw them last night, maybe he forgot. I sighed, breaking his trance. I could hear approaching footsteps. I knew Jeff couldn't, my hearing is far sharper. Probably coming to check if he was a corpse yet. When Jeff heard them he started thrashing around, probably thinking it was for experiments.

When they finally reached the door a meal and glass of water was thrusted in. "We'll need more then that," I growled. "We?" A feminine voice enquired and the lady peered through the eye part in the top of the door. She saw Jeff and she started laughing. "Oh this is rich!" She laughed, "the slut finally decided to ditch the isolated thing and get herself a little boyfriend?" She mocked, "Or is it that you can't beat him because he's stronger?" A low growl resonated in my throat. She pushed another meal and glass of water through.

We didn't make a move until she left. Then I pounced on my meal and ripped it to shreds with my teeth. I chugged down the water shortly after. He watched in awe with his mouth slightly agape. "You never know when their gonna come back so you've gotta eat while you can," I informed him. He nodded and walked over and started eating, at a slower pace then me. I twitched listening to the clock. Tick, tock, tick, tock. I growled at it. He looked at it.

"Why are you here?" He asked the question I've been dreading. Flashes of my family made its way through my mind. I clutched my head. "Never ask about my past," I growled, my voice was hollow and cold. He nodded. "Silent, I will get us out of here, I promise," he said. As soon as he said the words something ran through me making its way to my mouth. I twitched trying to keep it in but to no avail. I started laughing, crazy frenzied laughing. It was more insane then I've ever laughed before. He's kidding right? Oh that's hilarious. "If there was away out of here I would be out already!" I screamed. Still twitching, I can't help it anymore, I ... I.... I want to kill him. I pounce at him, somehow he dodges. I can smell his fear, I can almost taste his blood. I want him dead, dead, dead, dead. He is infuriating, I turn and pounce again this time landing on him, prepared to rip him to shreds. But he rolls us. We continue rolling with me lashing out at him. I cut him in several places but only deep enough to make him bleed lightly. I didn't get a chance to cut deeper. I finally had enough of playing around and I forced myself on top of him, pinning him down. A tentacle finds its way around his neck another two grab his arms and lift him from under me. He somehow turns paler then before. I grin a sick twisted smile and pinned him against the wall. I walked up to him, the tentacle around his neck tightening. I lent forward and whispered in his ear. "The truth comes silently, doesn't it?" I lifted my hand to rip into him when I stopped abruptly. He had passed out from lack of air. But that's not why I stopped. I snapped my head to face the door, followed by a sickening crack from my neck. My eyes were met with some icy ones. Slow clapping sounded and I dropped Jeff's body. I watched the man who was on the other side of the door. "Number one, having fun?" He chuckled. I turned my body and slowly made my way to the door. He didn't flinch. But the strangest part was that for the first time in my life, I wasn't afraid of this man. I looked up innocently before my mouth split into my twisted insane smile. "Come join the party," I grinned. He smirked, then the anger built up. The anger I would take out on my roommates, the cause of it stood in front of me.

I'm not like you (reader x Eyeless Jack) {ON HOLD}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora