S E V E N - a needed apology.

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"Your back!" A voice squealed and I hesitantly tore my eyes off Slender to see Sally. She was trying to get out of her chair. Everyone who was standing up, or on the table or something, sat back down. I noticed they didn't drop their weapons. Finally Sally was able to pop out of her seat and she collided into me, engulfing my legs into a hug. I hesitated to pick her up into a proper hug. I hardly know her, what? She was giggling. "So you finally got her?" A smooth but nervous voice asked. It belonged to Masky. Slender nodded, "she's one of us now." Everyone looked at me and I nodded mechanically. No body said anything. I slowly put Sally down but I didn't back up. I had the nerve to stay right there. I wasn't afraid, I knew I could beat these guys. I shoved my hands into my pockets.

"Well... Find yourself a seat at the table," Slender said awkwardly. I scanned the table, there was a free seat in between a girl with black hair, who was death glaring Jeff, and a creature? I slipped over and pointed to the seat. "Is this seat taken?" The girl shook her head so I pulled it out and sat down. It was really awkward. I rested my hands on my blades, just incase. I stared at the empty plate in front of me, just thinking. I wouldn't dare serve myself anything. I don't feel like throwing up the first day in my new home. The tension in the air was thick. I noted I was still covered in blood... Whoops. Finally someone spoke up. "Cut her some slack, will yah she's a pasta!" I looked up to see the owner of the voice belonged to Jeff. I smiled gently under my mask. People started putting their weapons down and talking. I sighed in relief. The thing next to me chuckled. I scooted a little closer to the girl, it was creeping me out. It's mouth was HUGE. I made sure my red eye wasn't glowing, to my relief it wasn't. Sally was giggling like she had a tub of ice cream and got high. This monochrome clown guy was chuckling along with her. It made me want to laugh but I decided against it.

I continued to stare at the plate. God I'm hungry. I wish when I went hunting earlier I got another heart and some blood to drink. Jeff kept giving me uncertain looks across the table until he noticed the girl next to me glaring at him. They started throwing insults at each other, spitting their spite back and forth. This must be... Jane? But the arguing was cut short when, very embarrassingly, my stomach growled. Everyone looked at me. If I had a gun I would have shot myself in embarrassment. My face went bright red, thank god I have this mask.

"You know we don't mind if you serve yourself something," Supposedly Jane said. I shook my head, no. No way I'm eating that and throwing up. She sighed and grabbed my plate. She started serving stuff onto it. I reached for it but it was out of reach. I considered using my tentacles but I don't want anymore people mad at me. I sighed and hung my head, sitting back down. Finally my plate, now absolutely loaded with human food, plopped in front of me. I looked at a very proud Jane. "Now eat!" She ordered. Everyone was watching us. I shook my head, no. She growled and grabbed my masked face. I had enough. I grabbed her hands and peeled them off my mask before abruptly standing up and rudely taking my leave. She yelled after me, "hey! Come back." I sighed in embarrassment.


I sat on the porch and stared at the forest. As much as I hated the sun I wasn't prepared to tell them I eat organs, human organs and drink blood. No thanks. Sure their killers but, no way. I sighed at stared at two beetles stumbling around in circles, following each other. My stomach growled again and I squished my arms against it, in hopes to make it stop or at least inaudible. I wondered about the Rake, I wondered if he will miss me. I wondered if he was sleeping right now. I yawned at the thought. I can't exactly go to bed though, I have no idea where it is. I heard the porch creak and someone sat next to me. I peered over my arms that were now hugging my knees. Jeff sat there. "Sorry about Jane," he said, "she's just a bit... Stubborn. But we wanted you to eat." I nodded. "Why don't you go eat now? There's not many pastas left in the dining room." I shook my head no. "Can you please just show me where my room is? I'm tired as heck," I asked adding a yawn to the end of the sentence. "Yeah come on," he stood up and offered a hand to me. I took it and he pulled me up. He led me through the house and up a flight of stairs. "This is the one in between Clockwork and Jane's. Are you sure slender said this one?" I nodded. "Okay well this is my room," he pointed to a black door with his name carved scraggly into it. I smiled under my mask. "Night then," I called reaching for my door handle. I peeked inside, just incase. All I saw was my stuff and other furniture. I was to tired to unpack so I weaved my way to the bed. It was huge and upon flopping into it I found it super comfy. I was to lazy to have a shower so instead I kicked my shoes off and took my knives out of my belt loops and placed them on the bedside table. I looked at the door, then at my floor. I couldn't be bothered to get up and lock it so I curled up in a ball and fell asleep with my mask on.

I'm not like you (reader x Eyeless Jack) {ON HOLD}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora